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Everything posted by doublename

  1. The Mist - This piles every imaginable Serious-TV-Drama cliche into its pilot and is terrible.
  2. Last Night with Marien's Dad My Wife to Give Chew on Me: Welcome to My Grundle Atomic Mons
  3. In school fat boys were always quick to roast someone for their appearance. Bonus fat president content: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2017/06/28/why-donald-trumps-diet-is-bad-for-americas-health/
  4. ^ This shit is v aggravating. Not that anyone would be happier if they were still together.
  5. The Handmaiden - This was opulent as fuck, and left me quite sweaty to boot. Tempted to just start it over again already. Clouds of Sils Maria - I fuck with this. The first flick I've seen with Kristen Stewart since Panic Room, and I was v pleasantly surprised. Maniac (2012) - This was a much appreciated hit of sickening filth. It doesn't seem this dude has ever directed anything else worth seeing, but this hit the spot. Curious to see the 1980 version now. Baskin - I liked this till the Smeagol guy showed up. Some of the gimp orgy stuff visually reminds me a lil bit of Silent Hill 2 (the game). Silent Hill - Mid '00s American horror movies are consistently garbage.
  6. If this were generic, made-in-Canada SyFy drama, I'd already have passed on it. Nothing about the show looks promising so far.
  7. Yeah the NIN bit was pretty bad. edit - and I though it was Prurient/Dominick Fernow when they showed him that leather jacket.
  8. Maybe a range extender would help? I've never actually needed one.
  9. Big Gay Takedown Pubic Enemy Blacktwat The Inside 'er Colo-rectal Granhunter
  10. Yeah that Fargo finale was excellent. I Hope Carrie Coon does more tv work.
  11. The Blackcock's Slaughter I Am The Dirty Thing That Fills Up Your Mouth
  12. Body Double (1984) - Exactly the kind of filth I was hoping Dressed to Kill would deliver. I pray this ends up in Criterion one day. "I won't shave my pussy"/10 Don't feed the beast. pls.
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