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Everything posted by doublename

  1. The Blob (1988) - As gruesome remakes of 50s sci-fi goes, this is probably better than Abel Ferrara's Body Snatchers, but far, far worse than The Fly or The Thing. I guess it's dated enough to be enjoyed as a kitschy artifact though.
  2. Haas is the wrong spelling though
  3. I've never seen his work, but I always thought Gallagher was a children's entertainer.
  4. They called them hoagies when I lived in Jersey 20+ years ago. At any rate, that looks bitchin'. South Jersey is false
  5. Tess (1979) - Maybe not my favorite Polanski joint, but goddamn if it ain't nice to look at, man. Plus I could watch Natassja Kinski eat strawberries forever. Always Shine - This fell apart at the end for me, but I thought Mackenzie Davis was great in it. She is almost definitely gonna be wasted in the new Blade Runner. I Spit on Your Grave (2010) - Slick remakes of 70s exploitation flix are a terrible idea. The best thing about this movie is that the lead actress brought her father to the premiere.
  6. Room It didn't live up to my expectations and I was trying to make up my mind about Brie Larson
  7. Nastassja's Pink Meat Under Age Kinski
  8. Basic Instinct is better than every De Palma movie but Body Double. Elle - almost as good as Basic Instinct.
  9. Body Double, Scarface and maybe Dressed to Kill are the only De Palma movies I'd watch again. Even Blow-Out had me checking the progress bar every couple of minutes by the end.
  10. Sisters (1973) - Ah, I wasn't into this at all. Barring Armageddeon, this might be the worst movie I've ever seen with a Criterion release. The whole thing hinges on Keystone Cops caliber detective work and another of De Palma's copy and paste Hitchcock plot twists. And then there's Margot Kidder doing that facking awful Quebecois accent.
  11. Airports are a great place to watmm. I like listening to Music For Real Airports while at a real airport.
  12. Personal Shopper - I don't know if I fuck with this like Sils Maria, but I like the mood of it. The extended texting scenes didn't always feel uh... cinematic, even if it kinda paid off. Dead Ringers - I don't normally like Cronenberg flix on first watch, but this one has stuck with me since watching it. XX - A female directed Horror anthology. This was pretty disappointing overall. The standout for me was the joint directed by Annie Clark (yeah that one). Okja - I kind of enjoyed this. It's strange watching a flick veer between Bong Joon-Ho zaniness and Spielberg schmaltz though.
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