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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Most important question of the day: Is HW actually sick, or could he just not bear to watch this shit?
  2. Limpy, are you on Adderall or anything of that nature? Serious '?' I'm not even havin' a go at you.
  3. Watching last night's Frontline made me wonder how Trump would have responded to any of the Obama era tragedies (e.g. Boston, Sandy Hook, Emmanuel Methodist). I can't imagine this graceless prick offering any kind of comfort (or sense of stability) after the first terror attack/mass shooting/natural disaster of his reign. Even the Antichrist Bush managed to hit the right emotional note on occasion.
  4. This whole time he's been trying warn us of the coming Kali Yuga.
  5. I mean, does that novel also contain a scene with a professor sleeping with and stalking his students, or pushing an ex- out of a moving car? I bet it's all just scenes from his favorite books, and he was perfectly moral and rational, and it's all just performance art. I wasn't making excuses for him. I'd like to think he wasn't even conscious of it, like a person who who looks back at a piece his writing (or music) only to realize it's all something he'd read or heard somewhere else years ago (shout out to Ian McEwan).
  6. Sadly, I think killing the beast would only make things worse.
  7. It's funny cuz he was reenacting a scene from a Don Delillo (DFW's fav author) novel.
  8. are you reading 3 books at the same time? I can't do that... I've thought about it sometimes but I just can't cycle between books unless it's non-fiction. It just feels wrong to be invested in 2 different stories at the same time for some reason. Yeah I'm usually reading a couple of novels and 2-3 nonfiction things at a time. I guess I do it to keep myself from wasting too much time online, or watching shows I only kind of half-way care about on Netflix. If I come across something particularly gripping, the other books tends to go on the back burner though.
  9. Elizabeth Warren roasted Betsy Devos, but it probably won't save your children. edit - lol @ that tweet. The yellow legal pad is a dead giveaway for someone who never actually writes anything.
  10. Reading - Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Smith The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson On deck - Transmigration of Bodies by Yuri Herrera Sudden Death by Álvaro Enrigue
  11. Has anyone read her book, Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam Screwed My Generation? edit: She should be in the How Does the World View Canada Thread though. Don't blame us for this one.
  12. The Sellout by Paul Beatty - it's hilarious, but it seems too 'inside baseball' to have won a Booker. Infomocracy by Malka Older - Risking all credibility and saying I like this more than Pattern Recognition. Dark Money by Jane Mayer
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