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Everything posted by doublename

  1. I bet a lot of Americans would reject the notion that a shooting with 6-7 victims and no fatalities is a mass shooting.
  2. I've completely forgotten about Preacher the last couple of weeks. The first couple of episodes really didn't do anything for me.
  3. Real pieces of shit. This is my first time hearing about them in a while.
  4. O to imbibe of her golden drink To quaff of her quim
  5. He throws really well, I have to say. Could have been Norway's GOAT outfielder.
  6. I thought that was some kind of Papa John's joke, but it's real and looks like shit.
  7. I've actually pondered getting a gun for home defense and never could go through with it. I've always lived with a baseball bat and a police response of 5 minutes or less and that's all I really need. I completely get those who have guns on hand living out in very rural and/or remote areas - you have far more reasons to own one - wildlife threats, hunting opportunities, and worse case scenerio a lack of nearby police to respond. https://youtu.be/H8zitBN6ih0
  8. I'd happily pay for this, but I've got no use for vinyl. Oh well.
  9. I wonder if they've got the sack to name specific prescription drugs that are actually gateway drugs.
  10. I wonder if he thought he was infiltrating the place like Feds in a dubious mosque.
  11. lol how the fuck do they go from (terribly ill informed) basketball commentary to this bullshit.
  12. They've overrun pretty much every news sub on Reddit since the shooting.
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