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Everything posted by doublename

  1. Ouch. Warren is the only thing that could have made H. appealing to me.
  2. Alex Jones running a troll clinic on these amateurs. Poor Joe Berlinger deserves better.
  3. Dear god no edit - the guy running it sounds like an idiot though. 12 year old know what Protonmail isand this criminal mastermind is using iCloud and Gmail.
  4. Do it. Getting fired from my last retail job was a massive first world success in the end.
  5. Cesc to Barcelona is still the worst transfer saga ever, but this was close.
  6. I've never seen any of their other work either, but The Game is a gem.
  7. There's no punishment worse than running this lunatic asylum of a country.
  8. There's way too much incest role play in porn.
  9. You just have to ride with the callowness of MR. Robot sometimes. I think it generally overcomes its most eye-rolling moments.
  10. So the US is the only place where it's exclusive to their bullshit streaming service. Fuck off, CBS.
  11. Has Netflix cancelled anything yet?
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