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Everything posted by doublename

  1. I wouldn't hold my breath with Robert Rodriguez directing. I wonder what Cameron's version would have looked like.
  2. Borgen - this should be boring as shit, but I can't stop watching.
  3. March 2017 ffs. Belle is my fav Disney princess and Emma Watson is unworthy.
  4. doublename

    elseq 1-5

    I do wish artists/labels would include a scan of the artwork/liner notes with downloads. It's not worth buying CDs again, but how much effort does it take to drag one more file into a folder?
  5. I need these ppl to hire me so I can stop running around the city teaching demo lessons in strange classrooms. Shit is nerve-wracking.
  6. No, the polls are still indicating a Clinton victory. nope. the polls are indicating trump is leading clinton by 3 points but losing to bernie by 15 points That first link says Clinton is Leading Trump by three points, doesn't it? edit: The ABC/WaPo poll has Trump leading by 2 and the NBC/WSJ has Clington leading by 3, I guess.
  7. Yeah. I never read the comic, though have it downloaded now. I thought it was alright, nicely put together, acting was decent, Cassidy in particular was quite entertaining (good to see an American show pulling off a proper regional Irish accent compared to the usual nonsense they come out with, yanks could probably do with some subtitles for him I'm guessing), I lol'd at the bit with Tom Cruise. I'll probably have the comic read before the 2nd episode comes out, no doubt they'll have changed a lot - toned down apparent blasphemous heights the comic reaches no doubt, though to have any kind of even vaguely anti-religious thing on US cable is impressive. I'm a big fan to the comic, so I was a little wary of the adaptation. Sounds like it's worth checking out though.
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