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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. The title on the following video is ridiculous, but basically what it is: A Steve Vai fan, who finally gets to jam with his guitar hero. And he throws Steve Vai licks at Steve Vai, and mad appreciation flows back and forth. The fan gives it his all with passion and no fear, cuz it's his one chance to jam with Vai. Granted, that's the narrative that goes on in my head, but it's still one of the most heartwarming guitar videos I've ever seen. Watch until the end, and there will be no doubt that the respect and feels is reals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yqm97-d73I
  2. Seriously. Zeus will be like, "Dude, I gave you EVERYTHING, and you chose with very, very bad taste. You have horrible aesthetic sense."
  3. *** N A M A S T E *** Wall is actually textured, so it's grain on grain. Analog+Digital~4Life
  4. Recently watched: Aki Kaurismäki's Leningrad Cowboys Go America Jean-Luc Godard's Une femme est une femme and Bande à part All pretty funny films, and inspiring from a storytelling & filmmaking perspective. Much recommend! I also watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which was pretty mediocre in comparison to the above. There's prolly like a 100+ non-Hollywood films that I'd benefit from watching, and I hope to get around to some of them. My girlfriend has seen so many good films that I have no idea about, so that's great. The other way, though, I've seen a lot of Hollywood films that she's never seen; I'm talking greats like Back To The Future, Forrest Gump, Terminator 2, etc.! So film-experience wise, I have a lot to look forward to. ...May we all be protected from watching shitty films.
  5. The D-Beam is probably the most maligned feature in the history of gear And I feel it's my duty to make a case for it once and for all I had an SP-808 It was...interesting, let's say But it had an inbuilt synth It had a massive bank of awesome Roland effects And it had a D-Beam that let you perform/modulate pretty much every parameter on the entire machine You wanna crank the portamento and play the synth like a theremin? D-Beam got you, dawg You wanna perform dub-ish delay/reverb explosions like a fucking sorcerer? D-Beam is on the case, homeslice You wanna fuck with the bitrate with a wave of the hand? D-Beam fucked your mom last night, asshole Do you want your electronic performances to look like a data entry job? Or like a fucking sorcerer on cocaine who just got a used MC-303 at Guitar Center for $89.99? Dude, back in the day I used to write badass melodies with the D-Beam on my MC-505. It's some next-level shit.
  6. This: or this: ? Either way, both are good-- why sell?
  7. Could be: -Your consciousness looking at yourself in 3rd person, and then the internal body-consciousness being aware that you are looking at yourself but unaware that it is you. -Related to the above- someone else in the group utilizing external consciousness to look into the group. -Random entity, cuz there are tons out there just chillin'. -Imagination.
  8. Lol. The grey telephone in the background looks like some sort of proto-MPC or obscure '80s plasticky drum machine. That'd be cool, man. A sampler where one has to record audio with a telephone receiver. Akai PhonePC 9000 You mean like THIS? Holy shit. WTF- is that a circuit bent phone? I was just smoking at a temple after lunch, and I saw a 40~50's year old woman sitting there jamming by herself on one of the larger Casiotone keyboards. It was pretty cool. (reminded of that cuz circuitbending, yada yada)
  9. You're a big meanie head and you're making me feel insecure Lazy people only disappoint themselves by not doing what they want in life. There's nothing wrong with being lazy if that's what you want!!! No judgement.
  10. You know, I'm sure things are gonna be fine, cuz I'm from the future; but also, Happiness comes from within. That being said, it's actually a really really really good time right now to be a revolution-themed musician, so for all of those who grew up on Atari Teenage Riot and Rage Against The Machine et al, fucking get your music out there, yo. It's time to cash in on all that anger (that you've actually mostly resolved, cuz you don't want to be a child forever). I'm basically speaking to myself here, but still.
  11. Sweeeet. Vertical organization is very powerful. I realized that if you can vertically organize properly, you can basically put all of your belongings against one wall or even one corner of a room. All of a sudden the whole place becomes huge. The downside is when you want to listen to Hasty Boom Alert on CD, and you remember that you stored it at the very bottom of the stack. This is why when you look at lazy people's rooms, they organize everything horizontally-- basically everything they own is just thrown all over the floor (easy access- looks like shit (kind of like hobags)).
  12. I see. Vertical organization, yo. Also, I find that after making a wall of 150 2-liter piss/shit bottles, it really messes with my tone.
  13. If you post some pics, I might be able to sort out main feng shui problems, mang. Or if it's just full of trash and cum bottles-- sort your life out, dude.
  14. Quoting, cuz prime example of how dank memes were destined since early 2000's to have the potential to change paradigms for the better; masked by humor and absurdism. ...Though I'm sure most who visit this thread already know that shit. The revolution is happening~~~ Exciting times.
  15. Lol. The grey telephone in the background looks like some sort of proto-MPC or obscure '80s plasticky drum machine. That'd be cool, man. A sampler where one has to record audio with a telephone receiver. Akai PhonePC 9000
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