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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. I know what you mean - I wanted to paint my entire house when I owned it in a really abstract manner but keeping it real, just highlighting bits & shading bits here & there, enhancing the space in a nice way... Im renting now but got so much art I need to put up.. Need to get on this - I wish I had more DIY in my bones I wouldnt be so bothered about just hacking into things edit* thats spurred me on, going to get all my tools & put up some artworks asap Get on it! Interiors and feng shui, etc., super fucking important. It's one reason why I checkout studio setup threads and battlestations on Reddit. Even looking at pics of nice interiors feels good. I spent 6 hours cleaning my room the other week, and it still looks like a homeless setup under a bridge. I did put away most of my electronics, though, but due to the sheer amount of components, I realized I could very well be part mentally retarded. FENGSHUI4LIFE
  2. QQQ - Love the clean-but-not-sterile space, yo. It makes me want to put menthol on my body and jam on guitar (play guitar noodling, not put jelly/jam on a guitar (noodling as in improv'ing, not Top Ramen)).
  3. Panty flashing is always in fashion. oscillik- Nice abstract shot!
  4. Cats are amazing, fucking what the hell. I pet a park cat the other night, and it was great. I said hi to another park cat this morning, and cat meowed back. Imagine a rave with only cats- they would be so hardcore and flying everywhere. Somehow I don't think cats are good at driving cars, but they seem like they'd be naturals at some form of nunchaku.
  5. In that room the LEDs also react to music that felt sort of like that slowed down Jurassic Park theme. It was surprisingly comforting and life-inspirational, giving a feeling that it was okay to die, etc.-- basically an LSD trip in 3rd person and 27th person. Also, lotta panties, so it was also erotic. I didn't want to leave... It brought to the forefront that I really need to work on my interior design for my own spaces. The shit that I've conceptualized, mothafuckaz are actually doing it. It's also noteworthy that all these high-level spaces were produced by DMM- a company that originally made its money from producing porn.
  6. hwat. Writing acid choonage with your music partner Sean O'Pry and shit, da fuck.
  7. A couple weeks ago I saw the 2015 version of Point Break. It was a surprisingly good philosophical/spiritual film that I can personally relate to, and it's also cheezefest 9000. So ridiculously extreme-sports-action-packed at every few minutes, but it somehow works, flow-wise. But watching it made me realize that such deep themes are always perceived as cheezy, as that is the nature of the beast. I now realize that it's probably impossible to represent such themes directly and somewhat overtly, without having elements of "cheeze". (The Matrix is one of the films that hides its depth the best... Or like, Speed Racer.)
  8. This serendipitous aligning of images is pretty deep.
  9. Jupiter has acid squelches larger than Earth.
  10. I just bought Jupiter from the Zorphaxians. Cost me like 150 quadrillion CAD equivalent, but it was worth it. Jupiter is dope as fuck. Makes me realize just how ghetto Earth is, with its forests and oceans and Detroit.
  11. Hell'z jah brahdonkadonk rockin' da city like it ain't nobody's thaaaaaaa a a a ng~
  12. The FUCK is this? On the upside... This kinda shit makes me realize that I could actually make money from music, because I'm like 5000 times better than this. ..."TO THE BASEMENT!"
  13. Yes. Definitely want to hear this. Okay- so I just remembered that the "track" I'm referring to was from a loop that played on the splash page for some homepage. Prolly someone who used to post on the Planet Mu Phorum or maybe xltronic. Anyway, it was just a loop of like half the main loop, with maybe ATR style breakbeats over it. ...Something.
  14. Speaking of Big Country, anyone remember that electronic track like 12~15 years ago that used a loop of In A Big Country? Fuck, man... Can't remember shit, bitch. Prolly some netlabel thing that like 30 people listened to, but I remember asking the artist what track was used for the loop.
  15. you might enjoy this one as well. found the link on the side bar from related video suggestions mild NSFW material SOLID
  16. mike P's next signing. Come on mikey, it's soo authentic, you can nod away to it in the bath for sure. heeeh. (watches a couple more vids despite trolling). Holy fuck, that is some of the best electronic music I've heard all year. Dead serious, this is fucking good.
  17. Ahahaha... How did you even find that video? I laughed pretty hard at the climax... Whole video reminded me how it was to be in middle/high school, just really not giving a fuck and being enthusiastic about everything. Getting back to it, yo..... Getting back to it.
  18. dayum... . . Is that like... VR goatse? "You... become the anus."
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