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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by peace 7

  1. I know of a super underground music scene in Tokyo, that is exploding now. It is literally underground, and the music plays at parties held at abandoned subway stations. Entry is only by word of mouth, and I am not even supposed to talk about it. However, it goes so deep, that even mentioning this, you have to know someone at the top to get in. Let me just say: It's the best music in the universe. Cost of entry: knowing someone at the top, and $5. Okay, that's bullshit, but there are probably some mind blowing scenes that only 5 people know about, that nobody will ever spread, because it is so good. As an electronic music producer, I feel it is my duty to perhaps, create this sound, and find it, without knowing where or what it is. Cuz man, sometimes drum n bass is so retarded.
  2. Vaporwave... not vaporwave PER SE, but the general genre-bucket of vibes chillwave et al- clumping a mass of shit together, throwing in seapunk from the sidelines, but anyway- a lot of it is quite good. The past few years of electronic-ish music have been amazing in this regard (notice how "we" can no longer say "all electronic music is shit nowadays"?), thanks to post-post-post-retro + post-irony, and it's like somehow the mix of going back so far and then inside so far and then fake so far in such a real way, then trying to throw in something unexpected to make oneself laugh, has bred actual creativity and innovation. What the past few years has proven to me- with regards to this shiz- is that it's very difficult to be innovative and new by refining/polishing/re-painting something already established (the main problem with electronic music the past 13-ish years). This fault in innovative attemptage can analogously be seen in the low-brow art scene, where a handful of artists are sincerely expressing themselves solidly and uniquely; the majority of the rest are attempting to be "new" by copying established styles, which doesn't work, because the artists who do stand out have been crafting their style of years. It's naive to think that one can innovate immediately and catch speeding bandwagons, based on another's formula. Then there are people who draw/paint casually with generally no established technical skill, and they are outputting mindblowing shit, merely because they're not trying to be anything but themselves. So this NUMUZAK WHATEVER IT IS STUFF--- due to trying to be somewhat funny and thematic/conceptual based instead of something aesthetically solidly established- and not giving a FUCK about criticism or much other than execution- a lot of artists are creating vibes that feel new, even though we're hearing a lot of familiar vibes from sampling (yah, some of the tracks make me feel like the living room lights are out late at night, glowing of tv screen, I'm in early elementary school, parents aren't home, I'm flipping through channels with the dial, sometimes putting my face up to the glass to see the rgb separation, with deep trippy ass emotions that emphasize the short-lived joyous moments of life; hence melancholy--- or just vibin' in a dance feel, cuz I was so young I accepted the pop vibes and shoulder pads and moosed hair and thick makeup and strong perfume and mustard yellow/green carpet, because I wasn't yet so up myself to think my opinion was more significant than another's). Sooo, some of it is pretty boring and non-heartfelt, but some of it is extraordinarily good. I believe the thorough surfacing of such creations is noteworthy, marking the true next steps in electronic music. I can slooowly feel a new Orange Sunshine point in electronic music, where it's basically gonna be like, "Fuck everything, everything is great, old is nu, nothing is in the future, this is so hilarious let's move our bodies, what is going on?, what the FUCK?!, where am I?, lemme tweak the whatever, FUUUCK, nothing is sacred, so I will express without guilt"-- in that final expression, the sacred sounds of humanity will again be birthed; without attempting to create phuture-sound, true phuture-sound can be created. *FREEEEEEEEDOM* Aphex Twin will collab with Whoopi Goldberg to make skating kneepads, and it will make sense and be great. As a somewhat related sidenote- it's weird how nobody really samples electronic tracks, IDM etc., and then make country/rock songs out of them. The other way seems natural; but sampling IDM etc. seems like plagiarism, even though it's exactly the same. Like if you sampled Milkman, Come On My Selector, We Have Explosive, and the acd line from Higher State Of Consciousness, then sang a US country western ballad over that, everyone would be like, "Hey you stole xxx, you fucking suck or whatever!" We will be firmly disconnected from our old selves (basement electronica superstars) in a positive manner, when we're comfortable with such music experiments.
  3. Aww, man, I feel horrible for my above incorrect apostrophe. "programmer's"->"programmers" Fuck, I'm starting to feel incompetent, like NetherRealm Studios. GOTTA UP MY GAME, SON!
  4. I've been playing the new Killer Instinct in my head. I'm so happy that Double Helix Games has got their shit together, cuz they seriously know what they're doing. I get a sense for humanity's hope, when I see projects that are executed with obvious love and care; attention to detail and subtlety of design; conceptual creation of characters; taking the best of the old and building upon. On the other end, is shitt shit shit like Mortal Kombat 9, which has characters that were programmed by people who've never actually seen people move; by programmer's who don't have the ability to recognize the difference between realistic/dynamic movement (ala Japanese fighting games) and bullshit, like what they programmed. Shit design by a bunch of 8 year olds wearing t-shirts with tribal tattooed bodybuilders on them holding machine guns (surrounded by big tit blondes), shit fucking everything, no style wannabe assholes- fuck MK9. If I had a billion dollars, I would buy NetherRealm Studios and fire everybody. So yah, I've been playing Killer Instinct in my head, and it's pretty fun. I can't believe how good the game is coming along, and I'm looking forward to the completed game, even if I never buy an Xbox One.
  5. Gotta work on this for a future live set..... Hopefully this wasn't posted, cuz uh, hard to check through NINE THOUSAND pages. I tried. But got tired. And woke up weeks later. With crystallized split on my chest and keyboard. Now, my keyboard is attached to my chest, permanently. [youtubehd]SYQ4yfWyYpM[/youtubehd]
  6. Thanks Sprigg, jasondonervan. SFWA&S = South Florida Windsurfing Association & Sex?
  7. Fenkz, all! Update to my post: my first world achievement is now communicating with forum members in a positive manner. This phuture world is nutz, I tell ya hwat.
  8. AHAHAHA!!! "FUCK!" "WHAT?!" "FUCK!" "WHAT?!" "FUCK!" "WHAT?!" ***paparrazi***
  9. All right, I suppose a website launch is a stupid first world achievement? My site http://illustreet.jp is LOOOSELY up, after working on it for several months, but I still have a lot of interviews and content aaand more art to put up. But yah. Something actually relevant to watmm: got a great interview with Hyperboloid Records peeps in the blog section UP, so check it. And in unrelated and related news, check out Hyperboloid, mang. Fockin' phyucha~ kinda tingz, in da prezentz. ILLUSTREET.jp-- like pubic hair, without the genitalia.
  10. Tropic Thunder (10/10) Finally saw this mofo of a film after missing it on the silver screen when it came out. It is at the highest level of American comedic Hollywood film making output, and it is truly great. Ben Stiller, you are genius. Everyone in the film- excellent job. So fucking good.
  11. What- This Is The End sucked? Awww, man... Was hoping it would be amazing.
  12. Jamie Foxx? I think you're thinking of Jackie Chan in Back To The Future II.
  13. For some of my more personal art stuff, several years ago I started signing my work "peepee", because it's pretty common in the snobby art world to have a name like Phillipe Cass'ande Druxnoir III, wearing a beret and using a cane for no reason. So peepee is like FU. My main music moniker is United Digital Analog Community, which incidentally matched UDAC, which had good logo and animation potential by just using a U and rotating it 90 degrees every letter. Pretty retarded. Music artist names are an art, just like track titles and all that. Gives one more opportunity to add vibez to expression. It's amazing how different "Chris Clark" feels to just "Clark" (...Chris Clark is better). But after years of using monikers for music, it's making more sense to me to use real names. But then again, maybe Stevie Wonder would've been cool as Draphoxignome 7000. And sorry- this should've been posted on page 2, but I just joined after lurking for 24 years, cuz braindance.net is down. Regards!
  14. 16. How extremely autistically average.
  15. Uh, I recently saw White Chicks for the first time. It reminded me of how 80's comedy films could be shitty. But then overall not bad. But if I said I loved it, I would need a cream cardigan wrapped around the collar of my baby blue golf shirt. I would have to wear khaki pants but be content with some light stains. I would have to not be able to tell the difference between any brews of coffee. I would have to say "I work out", which would actually mean I only do light cardio at my workplace gym (and my body would be rickety). I would have to style my hair with some product in just the front- and think I'm sharp- but leave the back with original morning pillow mess. I would have to "like" the Mona Lisa painting cuz it's "good art". I would have to watch Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood and wonder why they had to use so much profanity and think the grandma punching scene was "not funny and too violent"; after which I would end with, "I loved White Chicks, though."
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