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Status Updates posted by PhylumZunami

  1. would you consider drinking 3-4 beers three or four times a week is alcoholism?

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      3-4 units is the maximum recommended daily, where a unit is equivalent to 1oz of 40% alcohol... A 355ml 5% beer is appr 1.5 shots worth so.... I wouldn't say it's alcoholism but it's borderline.

    2. usagi


      getting there. the real question is, if you go a week without beer, how badly do you feel it?

  2. is that sound design chatmm thing comp still accepting tracks i just found mine and forgot to send it

  3. tfw beatwife track "fluskings" sounds way too close to an actual tuss recording

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus
    3. PhylumZunami


      oh yeah i can't stand beatwife for the fact that he does the lame marketing and his shit is so unoriginal, but that track i mentioned could be mistaken as aphex twin if it were posted under his name with some picture of a goat pasture as the album cover lel

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Ha! Fair enough =P. To be fair many people did think it was rdj when posted on youtube if you recall!

  4. any such thing as an electronic music based news site that doesn't just focus on DJ/dubstep/house crap? something like guitar world but for electronic music i guess

    1. Verdant Hickies
    2. usagi


      Resident Advisor, for no-nonsense news and events. if you want gear talk, I dunno.

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Cowbell digest weekly

  5. why does every gamer guy have to be so thirsty, i can't even let my gf play destiny without hoards of men trying to get her number (and I'm supposed to find it funny that dudes are hitting on her) pls kill me

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      wtf lol. That's a thing? I've never once even tried to communicate on a personal level with strangers I've met on psn. btw I'm playing destiny later tonight, add my psn? I'm zsajdba7

    2. Bechuga


      "Yo babe I'm level 34 and have a rack of legendary weapons, wanna stroke my neckbeard?"

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      ^ while feeding me doritos and mountain dew

  6. new venetian snares sounds like hospitality mixed with huge chrome and i love it (aside from that last step sounding track)

  7. obsessed with MNLTH

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      some good music

    2. PhylumZunami


      very, very good bass tone

    3. may be rude
  8. i hate my job. too much stress fucking up my music workflow

    1. AAAAh


      i feel you phil


  9. time to pretend I'm deleting my WATMM account so people will give me the attention i really deserve!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PhylumZunami


      hey i'm gonna have to ask you to put a trigger warning before you comment again because my dick was blown off in the war and i have PTSD

    3. ambermonk


      Tell that to the guys who were actually in combat

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      TRIGGER WARNING anal prolapse imminent from all the pushback

  10. renoiserenoiserenoiserenoiserenoiserenoise

  11. do u even get it ???? probab not lel hahaha XD

    1. triachus


      Am I here???; Jah-I-I-I lion in HD.

    2. PhylumZunami
  12. is there still a decent demand for heavy, amen break drum intense drillnbass/IDM? no one seems to be doing much of it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      yesh I demand it pls deliver :)

    3. hoggy


      There was never a 'demand', that's a rare fetish

    4. hoggy


      What Aaron says in that breakcore documentary seems apropos -

      at 19:15
  13. figured out some effect routings using the maschine that can change a standard techno groove into something straight out of quaristice // makin a sample library too gonna sell it on ebay for 8 trill

    1. triachus


      I'll give 10 trillbies for it!

  14. saw swans last night n my body is reckT

  15. eminem is much better than squarepusher

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GraveGlitcher


      is today backwards day?


    3. ambermonk


      I wonder why one who makes such a statement joins WATMM in the first place

    4. Brisbot


      phylum wins this engagement

  16. spaghetti/ last step 303 date with gf tonight #colormestoked

  17. we be friends with chocula

  18. musical identity crisis who am i what do i do

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PhylumZunami


      i will lead the charge of irony in this dead scene we call life

    3. Brisbot


      Realize you were in it for the money. Go produce Lil B. Make a really cool instrumental to have it ruined by Lil B. Make cash anyway.


      That is your future, now go live it

    4. Klopjob
  19. https://soundcloud.com/phylazen/something-corn Something with "Corn" Something with "Acid" in the title for validity (EP PREVIEW) incoming march/april on TOTALLY LONDON records
  20. muthafucking DRUMS

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