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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by diatoms

  1. well rdj helped save my brain with his rhythm, melody and harmony when no other music could aphex acid is alive:)
  2. i've seen a few tickle me elmos at some of the midwest raves i rolled at
  3. post-tuss Thanks to whoever created the aphexpitcardheadslaptwinsigil:)
  4. 50" acid legs http://ww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2016/03/10/13259478/JNCO%20Men%2002.03.16-747_1.jpghttp://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/iJdtQCV4loDuU-h34-rwW9pKUlw/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2012/07/29/2/192/1922564/d7e075b30018b10b_0629jnco-jeans_fa/i/JNCO-Jeans.jpghttp://www.jenkemmag.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/jncoblastoff.pnghttp://bpc.h-cdn.co/assets/17/21/1495821799-jnco-jeans.jpg
  5. farding it is this made me laugh why is the butt trumpet so funny canadian wind:)
  6. we created the simulation but can't remember
  7. BATMAN equation BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  8. what if you don't drink coffee?
  9. Haha:) I'm gonna get my two upper wisdom teeth out pretty soon The bottom two are still in perfect condition How painful was it? Any tips on recovery?
  10. this is an awesome channel Nelson Sullivan's VHS tapes of 80's New York https://www.youtube.com/user/5ninthavenueproject/videos
  11. The Creation of "My Pen" BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  12. BRITISH SECTOR BERLIN 1945 symmetrical union jack BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  13. analord 10 by aphex the rest of analord by afx different sides of the same chocolate coin
  14. between 80-100 towers built during the 1100-1200's with the tallest at 97 meters (318.24 feet/29.3 stories) not too shabby the first skyscrapers built in the usa during the 1880's were only 10 - 20 stories (66 meters/216.53 feet) BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  15. when i found out about the towers of bologna and saw this engraving it gave me future/past vibes of cities with skyscrapers i would've flipped if i read about this or saw some info on it growing up surprised it passed me by til now BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  16. WELCOME TO 12TH CENTURY BOLOGNA CITY OF THE FUTURE BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  17. dingformung, can you fly to canada? yekker needs your help
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