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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by diatoms

  1. watched dr. strange and had a fun time, thanks:) i'm really enjoying the marvel universe scorsese is up his own ass
  2. oh, that's easy! just ask bruce the consequences though.......
  3. ok watched gotg and had a fun time:) my brother told me to watch this about three years ago i guess i just stopped watching movies after university but i'm really enjoying the fantasy element to these films & tv show on to dr. strange, thanks:)
  4. i haven't watched any marvel cinematic universe movie or tv show but i just watched LOKI and really enjoyed the acting and story of the first episode anyone have an absolute favorite of the bunch that i should watch?
  5. Welcome to BAKERY BREADS & BUDS We bake the finest organic breads & grow dank organic cannabis to bake the finest heads logo needed
  6. "Morpheus" Double Matrix Water Pipe with Black Accents Description What if I told you that everything you understand about this reality-- everything that you see, touch, feel, hear, taste, smell, desire, and dream-- is a lie? Well, I'm not going to tell you that, because I don't know if it is or not. But what we do know is that the "Morpheus" Double Matrix Water Pipe will transport you to another dimension. One far beyond your meager understanding of space and time. The double matrix percolation creates an intricately woven borosilicate glass tapestry through which your hits travel to become buttery smooth masterpieces. Enjoy this pristine rig that represents the fusion of artist prowess and functional precision. Highlights: Double Matrix BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  7. aphex twin ΔMi−1 = −∂Σn=1NDi[n][Σj∈C{i}Fji[n − 1] + Fexti[[n−1]
  8. BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  9. Speaking of Peace I got called into work for 10 days past couple of weeks in the old canteen toliets closest stall to the sinks I see this on the back of the closed door, Ha! Now, for once this is a change that does not affect me I have always remembered it upside down But lots of Hippies Remember the sign as a person holding up their hands in peace or giving the peace symbol also to add to the confusion... from: https://www.alternatememories.com/historical-events/brands/the-peace-symbol Depressed stick man "There's an interesting piece on cracked.com which claims its' "a dude slumped over in despair". The story goes that Gerald Holtom, who was an illustrator from the UK, designed the symbol in 1958 specifically as a protest against nuclear weapons, and to hammer home the futility of mankind when faced with such horrors. The simplified design is supposed to show this in a form which also used semaphores, the representations of "C" and "D". In this way, the design serves two purposes. It was also widely adopted by peace campaigners during the Vietnam war. After releasing the design, Holtom realised the image was too depressing , so, and this may even contribute to this Mandela Effect, tried to fix things by inverting it. Unfortunately this didn't work, and the popular one became the one with the feet down. Those who swear it was always up won't agree, though." BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  10. i'm now imagining what a curb your star wars would be like and its Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Good, Pretty Good
  11. Mandela triumphs in heart of Yorkshire South African statesman says gardens bearing his name remind him of childhood, as thousands turn out to greet him in Leeds https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/may/01/nelsonmandela Martin Wainwright Tue 1 May 2001 03.19 BST "When scientists at Leeds University discovered a new fragment of matter in the late 1980s," he told a crowd of about 5,000, "they named it the Mandela Particle." https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/may/01/nelsonmandela https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_awards_and_honours_received_by_Nelson_Mandela 1973 – A nuclear particle discovered by scientists at the University of Leeds is named the "Mandela particle".[4][5] New Scientist 7 August 1975 The Mandela particle is threatened The concept of the Mandela entered the physicists' armoury in 1973. The Mandela, a fundamental particle, would be 40 to 70 times the mass of a proton, and was proposed by a Leeds University cosmic ray group (Dr E. W. Kellerman, Dr G. Brookes, and Dr J. E. F. Baruch) to explain an anomaly in their measurements of multi-TeV cosmic rays near sea-level, deep in the atmosphere where the ultra-high energy primary cosmic rays might well produce new particles. The Mandela fitted neatly with theoretical proposals that a particle of that mass should indeed exist-----the intermediate vector boson which would mediate the weak interaction. But new measurements by Dr F. Ashton and Mr A. J. Saleh of Durham University published in Nature last week (vol 256, p 387) show no sign of the anomaly that necessitated the Mandela. The plot that showed the anomaly is of the intensity of strongly interacting cosmic rays at sea level as a function of cosmic ray energy. The intensity decreases steeply but smoothly as a power of the energy. The Leeds group saw a bump at about 7 TeV, which they interpreted as the production of the Mandela in the upper atmosphere. The Durham pair, using a technique with somewhat less energy resolution than the Leeds method (which used the Haverah Park array), have produced a measurement which slices smoothly through the Leeds bump and on out to 20 TeV. Ashton and Saleh claim that the poorer resolution of their experiment is not so bad as to smear out the signs of the Mandela altogether. "We are convinced" they write in their paper "that we would have detected the bump if it was a real effect." Dr Kellerman at Leeds admits that the effect is certainly "not as large as we thought at first" but is not abandoning the Mandela quite yet. He and his group are making further measurements at Haverah Park and hope to present the new data at the 14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Garching at the end of this month. Meanwhile Professor G. B. Yodh and his team of the University of Maryland have unpublished data which supports the Durham Group. https://books.google.be/books?id=txDVQ-vzXMQC&pg=PA310 So the Mandela Particle never existed but did somewhat, at some point, maybe, ha BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  12. yes, i knew better than to play that vid, can hear it even though its been years
  13. Follow the rabbit....... before it disappears BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
  14. "We're All Mad Here" -Cheshire Cat "Most of us are Mad Here" -Cheshire Cat I too Remember the Cheshire Cat saying "We're All Mad Here" in the Disney film Seen the movie quite a few times growing up quoted the cat after hearing him say it Never read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll but the cat still says it in the book smiling away BetheLightthatradiatesunconditionalLoveForgiveHealandhaveFun:)
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