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Everything posted by jellyrajah

  1. love how nonchalant you sound here haha I just played a bloke in an online game who was apparently from northern florida who soon claimed his controller wasn't working and basically rage quit as I was beating him. the plot thickens
  2. yeah I have a feeling that if I didn't read the book I would've been completely lost. great movie though
  3. Ye good flick. Dig the long scenes Wouldn't watch again unless i was high though yeah I don't really have any desire to watch it again, at least not for a while. it started to get repetitive later on when the camera zoomed into some object every few minutes. those opening credits are amazing though.
  4. anyone here ever see a movie called Enter the Void? it's pretty fucked up.
  5. there should be a class dedicated entirely to studying method man's solo track on 36 chambers
  6. This is a good one - have you ever read any Borges? Finished Remains of the Day a few weeks ago and now in the process of reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is great so far.
  7. haven't heard any of these except for level 3, which I purchased yesterday. how does everyone rank the levels? wondering which one to get next, as I really like 3.
  8. bill hicks, richard pryor, david cross, george carlin, louis c.k.
  9. Won't be too long now - if I'm not mistaken there are only two episodes left.
  10. Pretty addicting podcast about a murder case that took place in the late nineties: http://serialpodcast.org/season-one/1/the-alibi Anyone listeners on here?
  11. saw Boyhood recently and it's probably my favorite movie from this year (although i'm fairly certain Inherent Vice will change that).
  12. 3DS Majora's Mask is brilliant news. Can't wait to play through it again after so many years
  13. i messed around with the demo for a bit last night. seems like it will be more fun than Brawl, but at the same time it feels a little too similar (visually at least).
  14. can anyone recommend some places to check out in Tokyo?
  15. just started this yesterday, about fifty pages in. very unique and addictive to read
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