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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. England's (not Britain's?) Hidden Reverse, by David Keenan, is getting a revised 2nd edition out any day now. Had to pay a fair wack for the original hardback, but its indispensable for anyone with a love of Coil & Nurse With Wound (Current 93 doesnt really match them for sonic quality imho, but thats beside the point). The paperback is being pre-touted for approx £10, an absolute steal considering the level of research involved. Amazon, those bastions of corporate monopoly, are doing pre-orders for a smidgen over a tenner. Well worth a punt if you enjoy the sounds and worth it for the in-depth descriptions of drug insania surrounding the Love's Secret Domain recording sessions alone: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1907222170?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=od_aui_detailpages00
  2. ketamine is the most over-rated, pointless, futile, borderline nihilistic drug every created. You might squeeze half an hour's enlightenment out of a 4-5hr k-hole, but once the lights go off you can just about forget trying to steer the ship anywhere else. I had 2 intense experiences first few occasions involving A) being in 2 places at the same time, and B) being in a 2dimensional space/time anomaly where consciousness, space/place & time all morphed into vertically constructed/evolving blocks of irregular rectangular shapes. Everything after that was snort & commence to snotty, nose weeping sleep. This drug almost single-handedly killed the free party scene in Britain in a quite a short period & loathe it for that influence alone. Nothing like going to a squat party where 2/3rds of attendees are asleep on the floor! Thing was it was v easy to import it as liquid liters from India via courier, evaporate it off in a frying pan, scrape and wallop into wraps. Sad.
  3. the section "The Woman of the Snow" from Kobayashi's "Kwaidan" has an outstanding rendition of cold woody horror its a long way from stacks of modern garbage involving cabins, scared semi-retarded teenagers and dumb plot lines, plus the other segments are superb cinematic gems. Get on it bwlad: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058279/
  4. gotta repost the funnyordie Trump movie, scathing: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/ad38087bac/donald-trump-art-of-the-deal-movie?_cc=__d___&_ccid=a26b785c48fd343b
  5. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/ad38087bac/donald-trump-art-of-the-deal-movie?_cc=__d___&_ccid=a26b785c48fd343b
  6. Darren Tate's "Clouds Upon Clouds" (on Fungal), the 1st track especially is immense. I dunno if Colin Potter was involved, but tone glorious tone works wonders. No sound links sorry https://www.discogs.com/Darren-Tate-Clouds-Upon-Clouds/release/693629
  7. The Outlaw Josey Wales Clint/10 plus the rogues gallery of half the Black Widows from the Any Which Way filems turn up, proper flashback faces
  8. The Quiet Man - stoned chill followed by family visit leads to dreaded viewing of John Wayne & whatsherface O'Hara prancing round where every Oirish cliche ever imagined is thrown into a romantic swoonfest, but Ma's are gold so indulgence is key The Karate Kid (following day, same scenario) - Karate Kid ......"Sweep the leg", fuckin ell flashback central, bad hair every where, but its still a romp Le Cercle Rouge - flawless storytelling, its head & shoulders above just about every other crime epic barring a few classics, Yves Montand rocks as the alcoholic marksman Jansen with the dt's psychosis
  9. Vinyl - better than expected, even with the lapels & Robert Plant's whimsy & accent. You cant really capture the magic of music on film & who knows where it might meander. The Peter Grant rant was proper funny doe.
  10. the west-side does,,,,,,,, special gangsta hand gesture pose its fk all personal, but as an archaeologist i'd doubt you'd be offended by folks dramatizing your own cultural history poorly & completely out of context, while academics from a colonial perspective continually support such bs spoutings & offerings at least you got 3 episodes of entertainment out of it, while my own cultural heritage gets further marginalized, undermined & eroded...... anyway, look what fictionalized history has done for a location like Nottingham and Robin Hood:
  11. with the levels of bs inherent in this program, the origin myths of the English race grow ever more far fetched and believable (even if it makes for a vaguely watchable costume drama with swords n blood) believe it or not, there were indigenous British & Irish cultures present before Anglo-Saxon/Norse arrivals and these people are relegated to the position of half-wits, asking to be robbed and pillaged in this program, something that most serious archaeologists & academics would question the Dark Ages werent dark, they're just deliberately clouded, so our neighbours can continue with their brand of post-colonial history re-writing
  12. Hunderby series 2 = daft as fuck bonnet porn spoof Julia Davis is a talented woman
  13. gripped The Nightmare Worlds of HG Wells, with Ray Winstone as Wells presenting various tales of wtf no idea what to expect given Mr Winstone's recent degenerate forays into gambling advertising, but Michael Gambon is always worth a watch unknown/10
  14. you might like this version, well worth tracking down (edited for wank imdb reviews, ignore that & clock Nicol Williamson/Merlin from the kitsch Excalibur) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084284/
  15. if you do Shakespeare with an Ozzy Osbourne style Brummie/Peaky Blinders accent its all makes perfect sense
  16. once saw 2 orange orbs with a mate alongside me, utterly surreal, completely quiet, observed these things do a right angle turn following a mountain escarpment, b4 they shifted more vertically up into the cloud line & disappeared it was the same type of object observed by a South Wales police helicopter that followed it across the Severn Channel and filmed it too in the same week. This is what popped up on the local news that week (whoever does the music for these vids should be fuckin shot): Everyone we've ever told this story says "yeah well i bet you were stoned etc". Yes & no. What is surreal is that i never really think about it.
  17. Horizon has put out some cracking pieces over the years, almost a national institution. Arena was in a similar vein for clarity of thought, although thats been watered down a bit in recent years PBS is a terrific resource & introduced me to all the incredible docs Ken Burns has done - an outstanding body of work.
  18. 2 Werner Herzog's out/imminent, Queen of the Desert (factual fiction) and Lo & Behold, Reveries at the End of the World gotta splash the cash for these big screen styles for a bloke who is still an outstanding film maker
  19. this classic makes me wanna bust out a bike n go hunting cats
  20. yer not alone Mr G, although i find lemon sour diesel delicious & a bit of an exception - ideal for a hilly dog walk with my wonky legs put it that way re-vapes....the pen ones are bit shit and dont really regulate the heat/temps aswell as others, but i find the arizer, even at a low setting of 4-5, gets u close to where u'd be with a pure j, although its absolutely true that they dont have that extra bit of grunt that a smoke will give u. Only gripped 1 cos i'm trying to reduce the smoking process altogether gradually and your room will be odourless after using. good luck with cups, Audioblysk, could i ask what strains yer entering (or recommend for that matter)?
  21. have you looked at EMDR? it can address complex trauma even if its a complete mindfuck at times (1 tip, dont take intoxicants for approx 48hrs after each session). if yer honest with the therapist its a proven method in excavating and eliminating these older often buried childhood themes. its helped me enormously thru some very sticky times, just make sure the people you might access are accredited cos you want an experienced hand at the tiller. u can access it via the NHS here but only in certain areas across Britain, but it removed a series of uber-toxic influences from my own life and even though i'm going back to it for a short period, its a proven methodology/practice with masses of data proving the outcomes dont lie. if u wanna know anything about the process or the techniques, just send us a pm,,,,, (absolute discretion assured of course)
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