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Everything posted by caze

  1. there's no real evidence of birth defects caused by depleted uranium in Iraq. birth defects and general health problems always increase in conflict zones, for a variety of reasons, it's very difficult to figure out exactly what causes what. From your own source the numbers/methodology used are hotly disputed, and even if you accept the dodgy numbers the great majority of them were caused by sectarian conflict, not US activities. Iran's proxies were under the direct command of the Suleimani. They have engaged in non-targeted area bombing and shelling in Syria and Yemen, they also regularly target hospitals and schools, and regularly murder civilian protesters (with a big escalation of that in recent months in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon).
  2. No, it doesn't. The US hasn't been directly targeting civilians. It has been indirectly involved in lots of deaths perpetrated by others, which is not the same thing at all.
  3. The Iranians have been attacking US assets via proxies for decades now, if that's your definition then they've been at war all along, and this assassination changes nothing.
  4. Iran is also directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. The Iranian people are not the main victims, though they certainly are victims and they are primarily victims of the regime, not of US interference.
  5. It's not. The US doesn't consider itself to be at war with Iran, from their POV they took out the leader of a terrorist organisation. Iran can turn it into a war if they want, by directly attacking US assets (rather than by using proxies), which would lead to the US taking out Iranian military assets probably, but this is pretty unlikely. Iran isn't stupid, it knows it couldn't win in such a direct conflict (and the US isn't going to send troops into Iran, it'd just be airstrikes). They've been swinging their dick around for a while now and got too cocky, they did not expect this level of retaliation and they won't make the same mistake again.
  6. that looks gross
  7. one the one hand it's good that Suleimani is dead, as he was a real piece of shit, responsible for a huge amount of misery and death across the region. on the other hand it could lead to serious escalation. hopefully it'll tip the balance towards the moderates inside Iran, he was basically the 2nd in command there, more powerful than the president even. probably wishful thinking though.
  8. It was never about them being 'buddies'. Putin wanted Trump in power to destabilise the western alliance, he doesn't give a shit about Trump in particular, just a means to an end.
  9. at that temp it cooks in about 45 seconds to a minute. even with my last 250c oven and a pizza steel I could get it down to 2-3 mins (my current oven is shit unfortunately, takes 10 mins).
  10. ate a really nice pizza in Bruno's of Kinsale while I've been home for christmas (proscuitto, parmesan, tomato sauce). they do an excellent sourdough Neapolitan style pizza, with a genuine 500 degree c oven from Naples. nothing beats the crust of a Neapolitan style when done right: chewy, tasty (especially the sourdough ones), and digests really easily; and then the base stays nice and light, thin but still has decent structure. the place is literally 30 seconds walk from my folks home too, think I'll get a takeaway one at the weekend.
  11. was hoping that last track from the mix would be on the album, oh well. nice to have it in good quality at least.
  12. similar thing happened to me: it was some beer, delivered a week late, after I had left the country for christmas. so they just left it on my doorstep. fuckers. amazingly a week later my sister called over to the house and a very soggy box of beer was still sitting there. so a thank you to the letterbox spam fillers for not stealing my beer.
  13. caze

    Go Corbyn

    lol. utterly delusional. the left never learns anything.
  14. caze

    Go Corbyn

    Corbyn is an unreconstructed Marxist, he was forced to keep his worst ideas under wraps for fear of upsetting the electorate too much (though obviously not enough to prevent a rather embarrassing election), but even still they managed to come up with the most radical manifesto in recent times (in fact it was in many ways more radical than the Labour policies of the 70s, when the party was similarly infected with Marxist entryists). In the modern parlance he's definitely more democratic socialist than social democrat, unlike Bernie Sanders who says he's the former but is really the latter. His favoured candidate to take over the Labour leadership just appointed a literal Stalinist as her campaign manager, and Corbyn's main speechwriter/ideas man - Seumas Milne - was also a Stalinist, now just a Stalinist apologist.
  15. caze

    Go Corbyn

    lol @ thinking Corbyn is a social democrat
  16. I quite liked The Witcher, never read any of it or played the games. It wasn't confusing to me, though I was surprised by the chronology of it a few episodes in, took a while to realise what was going on, but it was nicely structured in the end. Cavil was good, and yer one who plays Yennefer was very good too (her transformation from her younger self was very well done). It's quite silly, and filled with high fantasy cliché, but it had enough humor... it didn't take itself too seriously. The fight choreography was very good in the first episode, was hoping they would keep that up, but was pretty disappointing on that front for the rest of the series.
  17. Much of this story was set before the graphic novel, not sure what else they could add to it from that era.
  18. not any more... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/18/wakanda-usda-trade-agriculture-black-panther
  19. huh? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/impeachment-polls/ before the Ukraine scandal broke there was a clear gap in the polling in favour of not impeaching, since then there's been a big swing towards impeachment. the rabid base are never going to be won over, so why bother even taking their views into consideration? you only need to win over a couple % of ppl who voted for him, or even just demoralise them into not showing up on polling day.
  20. I stayed up til the election results came in, so only eating dinner now
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