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Everything posted by mcbpete

  1. Yeah it'd be interesting if Steinvord was Rephlex's answer to Skam's Gescom
  2. Flipping heck man stop with all the 0.738% speed changes, it's starting to sound a little insane !
  3. I was gonna post something cunty earlier regarding this to say he's more likely to post 2-step hipster bullshit nowadays than he would play Ae but I stopped myself as I've been more than negative on here today already ... but I guess my worries were entirely justified.
  4. I wonder if the glut of Android handhelds/consoles will be the modern equivalent of the Pong-clone console crash of the late 70s ?
  5. What's with this recent spate of posting post-attack photos - is it for the rush, the adaptation, and the general backwardness of the act ?
  6. To make us feel closer to ulillillia
  7. Good spot, yeah it's a slightly downsampled loop from the opener of Calbruc -
  8. I also had a dream about hearing the album last night (honestly! ), I thought I'd preview the tracks on Bleep before making the purchase and found out that every track was basically exactly the same but with various combinations of instruments were muted on each track. The last track was all the instruments unmuted and it sounded like some backing track to an R&B song, WATMM loved the concept and I refused to buy it.
  9. Absolutely, there's too much great new music to get my head around anyway without having to add a couple of hours of Autechre to the pile. Hold your horses piratey pirates.
  10. Is that a reference to something someone said or are you just having an argument with yourself ?
  11. Only more hour of office gubbins to go and I'm out of here ! Happy Christmas everones ...
  12. Started to play Silent Hill Homecoming on the PC (It's in the Steam sale and I had my previous PS3 copy nicked by a mental) to test my theory of the Dark Souls game mechanic. Erm, the controls are completely broken - even reconfiguring everything so it's mapped like the PS3 version on my controller I can't properly target anyone ...
  13. Aye the first one was done a year or so ago when I was starting to learn how to compose with that method, and the second one about 6 months ago (there's a third one a few pages back on here that I did at the weekend for a piss about !)
  14. Yeah sorry - I'm having real difficulty posting under this whole web 2.0 thing BBCode Mode. It seems to randomly convert some things to links, some to a media player. Back in my day you'd just put a URL in and bung a couple of media tags either side, easy ! Bloody 'upgrades' (grumbles like an old man)
  15. Absolutely - when I learned about Autechre's compositional style in the past (not sure how much it is done like that nowadays) I thought it was a bit of a cop out. But over the last couple of years I've started to try and do similar stuff myself, and believe me to get anything worth while does require a lot of input and setting of rules yourself Here's a couple of better tracks I've managed to force out of my machine using the 'aleatoric' compositional method: http://www.ilovecubus.co.uk/pete/cubus_-_redfall_fake.mp3 http://www.ilovecubus.co.uk/pete/cubus_-_Parameter_Window.mp3
  16. In my eyes, about 95% of all games released nowadays look like that. It's a sorry turn of events of such a creative medium that this has become the norm.
  17. Isn't Maelstrom just a remix of My Fucking Sound ?
  18. http://www.ilovecubus.co.uk/pete/07_flep.mp3 It's very loud
  19. Yeah they should to a bed and pillow covers edition of the artwork.
  20. First PC game I ever played - got it on the Christmas special issue of PC Gamer I think. Was sad that I had to sell all my Amiga stuff to afford part payment of the PC (the rest was my XMas present) but that game (and a demo I had of Doom Ep1) picked me right up
  21. Can't wait for Chris Godber's webcam to come out again ....
  22. It sure looks pretty - tDR's nod to the curiosity cube ? (Answer: No)
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