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Everything posted by mcbpete

  1. I wonder if Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill musician) was influenced by this (and my personal favourite) era of Hafler Trio at all? A Thirsty Fish could practically be the soundtrack to one of the games in his series.
  2. Loads of batshit insane programming going on here - As a kid I loved (and still love) the way it goes off at a complete tangent but was able to segue back so subtly for the piece to loop so seamlessly. EDIT: Woah, never heard the original game's music on the Speccy - There's some serious shit going on here given the technical limitations of the sound hardware: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlytwimJL5Q
  3. Have you seen the amazing (though rather darkly disturbing) documentary on his life - Crumb ?
  4. I .... what ?! So he's using a web broadcasting feed but doesn't want to use it for any kind of distribution of information ? Wow !
  5. Shock, Hate & Slaughter Men Death metal covers of mid-late 80s UK pop hits.
  6. I'm still annoyed that I can't transcode my WMAs into .RAs ...
  7. It's this track played through an SSTV decoder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O22ha2gzEm0
  8. Oh yeah, brilliant .... (and oops, just realised I was the idiot that misnamed it in the quote )
  9. For some reason nowadays when hearing the second half of the opening track I always visualise bombs being dropped high up from the point of view of the underside of an aircraft. The bombs exploding on the ground in the distance with some psychedelic pattern - the sort of pattern that was on that now-banned-for-seizure-reasons Olympics promo (I could only find an extract): WARNING - STROBING PATTERNS. DO NOT PLAY IF YOU SUFFER FROM PHOTO-SENSITIVE EPILEPSY
  10. Mine's definitely this - Can't believe how little it's dated (I first heard it in about '02 and thought the copyright date was a misprint)
  11. Learn trackers and a laptop from 2003 will be all you'll need !
  12. The ones with the ethnic chanting
  13. Theres a few instances of body horror but it is not bad at all. It is effective, not vomit-inducing. Ah, thanks. The bbfc is actually bloody useful nowadays at revealing why they gave something the certificate that they did : Spoilered as although it reveals no plot points, some scenes are discussed
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_lLedBIerU All Nifflas' games have a soundtrack of pure ambient perfection
  15. Heroes: Top - From original release, Bottom - From 28 Remixes for Cash Your Head My Voice: Top - From original release, Bottom - From 28 Remixes for Cash
  16. mcbpete

    Rare AFX Blog

    Yeah, sounds more H.A.B. era
  17. (removed) That link goes nowhere, which is lucky for you as otherwise you'd be sharing copyrighted material you naughty scamp.
  18. I think it's her anyway - I think I've got some strange mental disability when it comes to face recognition ...
  19. This thread bump has made me check out the track again properly at a decent volume. I honestly had no idea that the track does (oh so subtly) change throughout the whole thing. I'm only 25 mins in (and time for bed) but I've noticed stringy pads drifting in and out, changes to the bass line and weird field recordings at various intervals. Listen real carefully (on decent headphones) to the section from 18:24 - 18:58 - in the background it sounds like a recoding of like an old English police siren going past and some sort of squeaking something or other that plays a couple of times (it's repeated a bit again in a slightly different guise at 21:49-21:53). There also sounds like very brief snippets of people talking from 20:52 - 21:08 So yeah, a real nice surprise that it's not just a 5 second loop that goes on for nearly hour - there's actually an insane amount of detail in here. And that's not just being a pretentious fart, there quantifiably (is that a word) is loads hidden in this track.
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