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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. It's that vertical organizing that we were talking about a few pages back.
  2. I've actually kind of come around on touch screens lately. Found a Korg i30 (the arranger version of the N264, last generation AI2 engine but with a Trinity/Triton style touch screen) at a thrift shop for $50 last year and made it my master controller because I really like the keybed, but it turns out that primitive 90s touchscreen actually makes it really fun to work with and I find myself using it as a synth a lot, even though it's just another 90s Korg ROMpler with nothing particularly unique about it synthesis wise. I could see an actual modern touchscreen on a synth being a lot of fun (it doesn't look very responsive but you can't even drag at all on the i30 touchscreen and it's still great), and hybrid polysynths are cool in general, so this could be really nice.
  3. Just got back from an Arrington de Dionyso improv set that was all saxophone, drums and PVC pipes with sax mouthpieces attached, as good as I've ever heard him, and it kind of makes me wish I didn't play (mostly) stuff that needs electricity.
  4. I also fully admit to being in denial about how nice it would be to have one of these, because I can't afford one.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to own one, but being able to mix and provcess stuff externally (basically treat the sampler like an 8 track machine and do a live dub mix) is pretty central to how I approach sampling. I've come close a couple of times, but when I've had the money to spare I've never quite been able to get over that - it's the kind of thing I'd really want to make the centerpiece of my workflow if I had one, but withoutmore outputs I know from experience it wouldn't end up being that. If my workflow were different it would be a whole different matter because it's a really, really nice instrument.
  6. If the Octotrack had some assignable outputs (even just four of them) I'd have sold a bunch of stuff and bought one long ago, but with just the stereo out and the cue it seems really limiting to me. Which is frustrating because everything else about it seems fantastic.
  7. Actually that should have been $36 shipped, not $41 (seller accepted my $20 offer). Not that it really matters.
  8. Well, it's here. Works? Yes. Looks cool? Extremely. Useful? Yes and no. It does exactly what I got it for, but it's made to work in a fully analog professional broadcast environment sometime in the 80s, which means you have to think a lot more about frame sync, and as it turns out this thing only has one input that can handle a signal from something that isn't following its frame sync, which means basically no consumer or prosumer stuff can go in any other input without coming out looking like a scrambled cable channel from back when that was a thing. So the only way to actually do what I really got it for (superimposing a video signal over another video signal using a third signal as the key source) I'm going to need to get myself a second timebase corrector, which isn't expensive (I already ordered one, $41 shipped) but it's just one more heavy, deep rack unit to sit around and take up space (the one I have is about 16" deep, 1u and weighs maybe 8 pounds, and that's on the small side unless you get a modern one, which would be at least 15-20 times as expensive for a lower end unit than the older ones that are really cheap right now, so obviously completely out of the question). Also, unlike newer switchers like the one I already had that do amazing things when you feed the output back in to an input, this one doesn't do anything, you just get a completely overloaded signal, all white with a bit of wobbliness, completely useless. Not what I got it for but it would have been nice if that had actually worked, since it has 6 inputs and four outputs, so it was ripe for feedback. Still should be a lot of fun once I can actually set it up the way I want to.
  9. the human spirit is completely broken and tamed, the corruption these cunts get way with would be met with a revolution back in the day oh well at least we have netflix and tv shows like arrow to binge watch Nah, we're not even close to as low as we can get yet. Not even close.
  10. Soviet synths seem to pop up on eBay pretty regularly but the shipping is brutal and they usually aren't the exciting ones (lots of 70s analog preset type stuff). It's fun to look at sometimes.
  11. i'm 99% sure my main problem is the fact that i've got like $12 radio shack fixed temp soldering iron. i initially got it to for modifying korean joystick parts (dork) but i did eventually try to build a gristleizer for a friend (http://gristleizer.com/) and it went horribly. haven't done much soldering since =\ i've got a new joystick mod i want to try which has a greater room for error that i could try my hand with a new iron before potentially butchering my sid chip ;O definitely looking at that entry level weller That's exactly the kind I started with. You won't believe how much easier it is with something a bit nicer. Definitely don't work on a SID (or any IC really) with that thing! There was one odd brand that was something like $22 shipped a few years back that actually got a lot of praise from DIY folks but I forget what it was. That $40 Weller will be a huge improvement for you if you can swing it. Soldering is one of those things like stringed instruments or tools where the stuff that's sold beginners tends to actually the hardest to use and takes quite a bit of practice and skill to do anything with, compared to something aimed at experienced users or professionals, which is usually the easiest to use and would be ideal for a beginner. I'd say I'm a skilled intermediate at best.
  12. Matrixbrute does look and sound pretty great. Kind of in a different league than a $30 video switcher!
  13. Haven't perfected the proportions, but here's the basic constituents of a mixed drink of my own design: White Jamaican coconut milk spiced rum "green dragon" cannabis tincture. This is the best method for making it except you should should definitely use grain alcohol (Everclear) instead of 151 if it's legal in your state. If you make it right, 2-3 drops will be plenty to keep you occupied for the next 6 hours or so. ice
  14. ACtually looking at that cheaper Weller more I'm not sure it's fully temperature regulated either, but I used to use a really old version of it at work a long time ago, and it's what I first got good at soldering with, so I can vouch for it being a solid investment. The Radio Shack iron I had at home back then was a nightmare, although I somehow managed to replace all of the faders and switches in an MG-1 with it and only lifted one or two solder pads. I wouldn't recommend doing that.
  15. Having a good soldering station makes all the difference. Doesn't even have to be super expensive, a serviceable temperature controlled station can be had for like $30 and it's so worth it. Got one of these on sale about 12 years ago and it's probably the single best investment in gear I've ever made. Some kinds of work are practically impossible with the simple plug-in hobbyist irons, and nothing is easy with them. A Weller like I linked or something similar is a little pricey but they're designed for production work and should last decades for a hobbyist. Tips are a couple dollars and easy to find if you stick with an industry standard brand like that, too, although I've found the tips last a long time if you keep them tinned and clean, I only need to change mine once every 2 or 3 years.Yo u want to be careful with the off brand stuff though, some of them aren't actually temperature controlled (a proper one will continuously monitor the tip temperature and keep it steady) and are actually jsut a cheap soldering iron with a rheostat to change the voltage (which changes the temperature coarsely but doesn't actually keep it even, so as soon as you start soldering it starts to get cooler as the heat is transferred into the solder joint, and the same setting swill give you different temperatures depending on how warm the air is that day, stuff like that). If you aren't sure how much soldering you'll in the future but want to learn, I'd grab one of these entry level Wellers. It'll work well and since it's a very well established name you can always resell it easily and get some of the cost back. EDIT: just wanted to say again, because it can't be stressed enough, soldering is REALLY HARD with a low end, fixed-temperature iron, and really easy with even a modest soldering station and a little practice. It's also a lot easier to work with lead solder than lead free, even though it's not exactly the best thing for you or the environment.
  16. The the faster they can fuck things up, the sooner Bannon will get the civil war he's hes after, which will be his chance for the "total deconstruction of the administrative state."
  17. Well at least they can take solace in knowing they successfully repealed the ban on shooting bear cubs in their dens during hibernation season yesterday. Which, for some reason, was a priority. Ted Nugent must be psyched.
  18. Yeah, I use old laptop bags from other people's trash for a lot of my stuff, the late 90s IBM ones are really nice and sturdy. That and Monoprice knockoffs of Pelican cases since they're like $20 (unless you need a big one) and are as good as or better than the couple of real Pelican cases I've got. Seriously, these are really nice and really cheap for the quality. Only things I've found so far that Pelican cases have on them is that the handles are maybe a millimeter thicker where they connect to the case so they might hold up better if you need to break down a door or something with the case, and the foam rubber is a little denser in the real Pelican cases. I really highly recommend them.
  19. But Pence's own agenda is at least as destructive, except he's competent enough to actually pull it off. Anyhow, I actually came in here to post this: And also remind people that yesterday the senate voted to roll back the minimal privacy we have online and allow ISPs to sell all of your browsing history..
  20. Looks like a Xbox bag I look at that thing and see so many broken knobs.
  21. Well, I'm getting about $850 next Thursday for editing work, and I think I'm going to have tho snag one of these. I need that external key input so much! Regular keying where you select a color or brightness range in one video source and replace that range with another video source is cool and all but being able to use a completely separate third video signal as a transparency mask for the overlay signal is exponentially better (and completely basic in software but not so common in hardware I'm finding, unless you go really expensive or really old). Going to stick one of these in a box with enough space left to add one or two eurorack video synth modules sometime in the future, and make a panel that breaks out all the BNC i/o on it and the switcher to a little RCA patchbay. That, and some trashpicked TVs and cameras and VCRs and I'll be pretty well set for what I want to do with this stuff for a long time, unless I find something under $100 that will do mirroring/kaleidoscope style effects.
  22. I wish I'd grabbed one during that window of time when you could get them really cheap. Picked up a nice Otari stereo machine for $20 during that time but I had a Tascam 388 back then so I was never really looking for an 8 track. Sold that because it was huge and the master fader went, but now even a small 8 track like you've got/I want is out of my budget. BUT I was paying so much attention to it that I missed the Copicat under your cassette deck, which is even cooler! You might actually want to send in a photo to this site, since they don't seem to have any record of any models with the controls on the front like that.
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