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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. debt relief is one step in fixing the problem. there are more steps to follow but it has to start somewhere. people are trying to move forward on wage increases and improvement in employment opportunities. but debt relief is a huge component. but it'll take years to implement real change or reform in the university system etc. people should understand that and not get hung up on the idea of debt relief on its own.
  2. it's the federal loans that would be forgiven. it's really not that much $$ in the scope of things. but, what it would do is give a generation of people room to breath and ability to save money for larger life purchases like down payments on houses or whatever the fuck.. or just be able to afford to live in a 1 bedroom apartment instead of having 7 roommates in a house in the shitty part of town. imagine a young married couple who wants to have a kid but can't because they each have $80k in student loans. all the complaints from media boomer talking head shits about "millenials are breaking society/millenials aren't having kids/ millenials/milenialsnskanslkndfld etc.. is because wages are down, they carry a shit ton of debt as a generation and can't afford to do shit. this is a new thing for american students. forgiving debt is not uncommon. doing it now with additional reforms like 2 years of free community college or reduced cost to state universities or whatever makes sense.. can change society in the same way the child tax credit helps people make it from month to month a lot easier w/o worrying about being made homeless after their car breaks down or having to eat one fewer meal a day in order to pay for medical care etc. they're trying to make the child tax credit permanent but it's an uphill battle. it started a while back w/one of the pandemic relief bills that went through and it's genuinely life changing for many families who are stressed to the eyeballs with financial worry and piecing their lives together paycheck to paycheck. so, forgiving student debt is a big injection into the economy in a thousand different ways. edit: also, regarding federal loans and foreigners.. i don't know the fine print but i'm sure there's a lot of it when it comes to foreigners. shit, even going to a college in another state comes w/a big out of state additional cost per college credit. i'm sure a chinese student who gets into an american university can't get federal loans unless they're planning to remain in the US or something.. idk.. i'm guessing they get loans or grants in their own country.
  3. made the mistake of watching the video of the SUV running over people in the xmas parade in wisconsin.
  4. everyone knows god gets confused by genetic codes.
  5. this is a really good podcast about portland, anarchists, unsolved murder, cops, radicalization, ACAB, proudboys etc. pretty clear why a lot of people hate cops in portland. it focuses on the murder of Sean Kealiher https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fault-line-dying-for-a-fight/id1531812209?i=1000534903104
  6. relatable. i've learned that when dropping certain things it's best to let them fall or risk smacking a knife into my foot or getting a jammed finger or something else equal to stubbing my toe/knee on a coffee table.
  7. politics in the US are like a team sport most of the time. some people do care and want to make a better life for all americans etc etc.. but many other people just want the other party to lose. there are plenty of people who think it's all bullshit but just as many who think one politician or party will 'save' us from all the problems.. so they put all their hopes and dreams on a savior which is obviously just bullshit. not talking about trump in particular though the worship around him is bizarre and widespread on the right... but forever people have chosen their candidate and married him in their minds as the answer to all the problems. there's also a lack of political understanding/education/information etc in a lot of if not most of americans. people are often very disconnected from it all until it effects them personally.. and then they often vote on only that one issue.
  8. a lot of it is a sort of ego inflation. perceived personal attacks. "this makes me look weak. the only way to eradicate that perception is to shoot this person". there's a lack of maturity and reason, of course, in a lot of people. there's no thought on how to resolve differences or solve a problem other than making it go away. doing hard work is too inconvenient. "it's not my problem.. it's yours." also, in some communities when 'beefs' and anger, bullying etc amongst young people could be solved by some fists people today reach for a gun. but there's a long history of "might makes right" and the person w/the gun is right. old west bullshit.
  9. they were there before trump and will be there long after. he was a symptom of the problem... alt right/ultra right/fascism is on the ups in many places. those voices have been gathering together for a while now. out in the open.
  10. point taken. i find that usually the anti-vax types are somehow trying to convert people into 'followers' of some kind and have different motivations that don't have anything to do w/altruism. after a few minutes listening to them it becomes kind of obvious what they're about. i think scientific/medical/vaccine research vs. studying history/cults or similar etc is pretty different when it comes to 'independent researcher'.
  11. this is only the beginning. i think at some point there will be armed confrontations at protests as a regular thing. protesters vs counter protestors.. probably some sniping and revenge killings.. the whole thing will escalate. the people on the left.. black bloc etc aren't stupid.. well some of them might be but for the most part they're paying attention and will adjust behaviors where needed. there are plenty of people on the left who are armed to the teeth.. they just don't talk about and don't LARP for cameras. it could simmer down and could be the usual and people could exercise restraint.. i don't know what i'd bet on though. i mean.. if a bunch more 18 yr old kids start showing w/their not fully developed brains.. anything is possible. violence is the goal of enough people that it's worrisome. once people cross the threshold of violence then it can all take a different shape and edge into terrorism pretty easily. yay america! can't wait for 2022 and 2024 elections.
  12. yeah.. i suppose.. but i think her road to this place wasn't exactly planned. i think it's possible to be an autodidact for things like this since in many ways it's currently very niche.. though she seems well versed in the history of it all. i wonder what going back to school on it would even offer her other than some kind of legitimacy for network TV appearances. though i guess it depends on the school experience and professors and all that.. but whatever.. i mean.. she knows her shit regardless.
  13. i don't think it's possible to refile charges in this case unless they can prove at some point that the verdict should be thrown out because of the judge's behavior but i'm guessing the prosecution won't take that on. it would take a long time i guess. i think there's pending 'wrongful death' lawsuits against rittenhouse for causing the deaths of those people. the burden of proof is much different in a wrongful death case.
  14. unsurprisingly kyle shittenhouse not guilty on all counts. he owes the judge. that guy gave him a handjob at every opportunity.
  15. i don't think i've seen a biketruck w/a slammed stem. this looks like the speed version of the biketruck. the person who rides this would pass me i'm sure.
  16. she talks about that briefly in this podcast. she's not an academic. i don't know how one studies cults in college.. perhaps some psychology or history or some speciality or phd research. she's obviously an authority on her subject matter but says herself that she has times when she has imposter syndrome because she has no degree. but she's been right all along and no one paid attention and she's sought out because she has credibility. it's an interesting podcast regardless. if you follow her twitter she sometimes quotes tweets of insider "experts" getting it totally wrong in tv appearances or twitter threads and sometimes she'll just one by one point out all their mistakes or at least the big obvious ones. anyway.. there's some problems in academia over this subject matter it seems and that's brushed upon in the podcast as well. she posted on twitter they're going to do a follow up on the first conversation.
  17. i forget who dropped sarah hightower's name in this thread first but i follow her on twitter and try to check out every podcast she's on. this one is pretty good. some digressions but has some great nuggets.
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