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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. it's real and posted a couple days after that school shooting.
  2. this is what happens when you only do missionary position w/your partner and lights always off. guy probably doesn't look at his own penis when urinates.
  3. he could just be ahead of the curve. a bunch of right wing governors might follow his example.
  4. yeah.. but i mean.. how is cash even insured? i know the FDIC insures banks up to certain amounts but wtf if i someone has $10k in their car and car gets stolen. edit: i guess it's all technically considered a loss.
  5. or a way to embezzle funds. "oh that money was stolen.. see we made a police report." i wonder what the fine print is for collecting insurance on cash?
  6. obviously it'd be fascism. i think we only differ on semantics. capitalism will claim a win and do a victory dance if the "right people" survive.
  7. hmm. i don't think it's possible. not for all people anyways. wealthy people will be less harmed than poor people. developed countries will be less harmed than undeveloped countries (typically, but there will be outliers) i don't think that capitalism is compatible with saving the planet. long term they cannot exist together... not in this current form. i mean.. technology isn't going to swoop in and save us without something equivalent to magic. we're already passed some tipping points and the boulder is starting to roll down hill. i expect lot's of things will just dismantle themselves as chaos takes over beyond what any government can handle. when sea level rise accelerates the mass migrations alone are going to be bonkers. it's gonna be crazy weird surreal shit. edit: and i guess that capitalists, america etc etc will view all the losses as part of the cost to save what's "important" or who is "important" and it will make sense to them that some people lose and some people win because that's the natural order of things as they see it. so, in some people's eyes "acceptable losses" will equate to "solving" climate change.
  8. this song sucks. also, the people who died were unvaccinated.. like 99%. delta variant hit really hard. also, took a while for vaccinations to make a dent in the rates of infection/death. also, different countries did different things in regards to lock downs and restrictions. you can't compare them equally. also, vaccination rates are still not that high in a lot of places as per previous posts which you've ignored. also, the people who died were unvaccinated. also, the people who died were unvaccinated. also, the people who died were unvaccinated. also, the people who died were unvaccinated. people who got vaccinated had only mild infections in the even of a break through infection.. whereas people who were unvaccinated more often had serious infection and hospitalization. for a while w/delta like 99% of hospitalizations were people who were unvax'd and had Delta variant. also, i finally found a reason to use the ignore button. sincerely though, i hope i don't read about you on the herman cain award subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/02/arizona-police-officer-fired-fatally-shooting-man-wheelchair shoots a guy in wheelchair in the back while he rolling away from him. edit: also:
  10. what you don't understand though is that all the epidemiologists are LYING! and the paramedics are the real authority. only paramedics on the ground floor of this pandemic understand the true reality. [sarcasm] ( in case anyone is in doubt)
  11. yes vaccines work. they are very effective. w/o them so many more people would be dead. there are still break through infections of vaccinated people sometimes but but those cases are almost 100% mild. when the delta variant hit nearly every single hospitalized person due to covid was unvaccinated. NO VACCINE OF ANY KIND for any prevention is 100% effective.. so.. measles and rubella or whatever.. there's still some chance that a vaccinated person can get infected. this is why it's so important that everyone gets vaccinated.. that's how herd immunity is achieved. is this something they don't cover in paramedic training? probably not.. i'm guessing dealing w/injuries and heart attacks etc is more the focus right? how to help someone survive on the way to the hospital yeah? to fill this gap in your training here's a youtube video. also, calling bullshit on "my paramedic friends are responding more to vaccine injury than covid infections" - that's just bullshit watercooler talk. the dozens of people i know who've gotten vaccinated had no problems beyond sore arm and flu like symptoms. many had absolutely no side effects. so obviously my watercooler anecdotal evidence cancels out yours ?
  12. porcelain i suspect. and some composite. i also have 3 old fillings that need to be replaced. they're silver. doc said the reason they don't use (or he doesn't) use silver is because over time it will expand/contract with cold and heat and cause the tooth to crack.. "and also the mercury of course is not good for anyone". i have a crown on the other side of where new one will go that is part gold.. like the lining or something and then it's porcelain over it.
  13. this is kind of misleading though. i mean.. "most vaccinated" is still only 62% https://ycharts.com/indicators/israel_coronavirus_full_vaccination_rate so, there's more than a 1/3rd of the country not vaccinated and i'd guess those are the people who are getting sick the most and dying. delta variant caused a serge yes? here's the death rate/totals in israel https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/ active cases in israel are under 6000. in vermont, 75% age 5+ are fully vaccinated. total deaths from covid in vermont is 413. cases are up but 7 day average is consistent with the last 6 months or so.. but in such a small state big swings on a graph can happen with a small amount of new infections which seem to have happened around thanksgiving. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/Vermont there's always more details in the data. it's just as important to figure who is getting infected.. vaccinated or unvaccinated.. hospitalizations vs mild cases (likely due to being vaccinated) etc. so, we can reel off the headlines like "500% INCREASE IN CASES!!!" and people freak out but if the previous number of cases was one that only means there's now 5 infections.. the headlines get framed to get attention. but there's always more information in the details and it's important to have a look. vaccines have saved countless lives. that's a fact.
  14. they must have discovered oil in the corona virus.
  15. the US military has been working on the "all variants" version of the corona virus for a while. it's a joint project though. basically it's the entire DNA of the virus. there was a report on 60 minutes last year. here's the story.. no video but the transcript is there.. they did an early piece on it and a follow up but this is the only one i could find https://www.cbsnews.com/news/last-pandemic-science-military-60-minutes-2021-04-11/ and there's this https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/04/06/army-begins-clinical-trials-vaccine-may-be-effective-against-all-coronaviruses.html
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