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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i'm gonna be ok until they start doing debates. it'll be interesting to see if enough people hate trump so much that they can overlook biden's debate performances. that's my expectation anyway. too old guys talking over each other making sense only 30% of the time. so, yeah.. election night gonna be pins and needles.
  2. Southern Poverty Law Center Adds Stephen Miller to Its List of Extremists https://truthout.org/articles/southern-poverty-law-center-adds-stephen-miller-to-its-list-of-extremists/
  3. totally agree. they'd be going even more bananas because of the AntChrist. i was adding to your post that i think there's some voter suppression going on and covid + chaos is the method.
  4. i guess the children should teach themselves so no adults get infected. also, they should drive the school buses as well.. and when they get home from school they should baby sit themselves as well so grandma or aunt jennie or whoever watches them until their parents get home from work don't also get infected. Devos said .02% of kids might die when schools are opened. no big deal. that's only 14,000 +/- kids. i don't expect the USA to open schools in a consistently responsible way. some places will but many won't. it's suspicious that school boards are having meetings on Zoom because it's not safe enough to meet in public to iron out the details of reopening. also, do other countries opening up their schools have an outbreak/number of cases like USA has? curious. i haven't looked.
  5. i think there is some pre-emptive election meddling in all this. if the virus just keeps rolling all the way to november we'll have chaos and 10s of thousands of more deaths.. if not more
  6. big brain time! https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/akzjbb/there-are-118000-coronavirus-cases-in-georgia-and-the-governor-just-banned-mask-mandates
  7. there's no date on that though. he may have done that then dropped out. i don't think there's any way he can get on the ballot. his campaign guy said they were in the process of undoing all the things.
  8. was chatting w/this woman in a dating capacity and she said to get on tiktok and we can chat there.. now i know she was a communist and our chats are archived on some chinese servers. i'm sure my info will be synthesized into 5G compatible virus waves to spread a future pandemic.
  9. It never ends. "Disturbing" memo reveals Trump's USPS chief has slowed delivery amid calls to expand voting by mail https://www.salon.com/2020/07/15/disturbing-memo-reveals-trumps-usps-chief-has-slowed-delivery-amid-calls-to-expand-voting-by-mail/
  10. such a punchable face. also, if voices were punchable he'd have a very punchable voice. i guess his voice hole is punchable.
  11. the owner of goya met w/trump and said something like "we're all blessed to have him as president" and a bunch of people disagreed and want to cancel goya beans.
  12. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/nine-inch-nails-rob-sheridan-trump-facebook-group-a9619876.html
  13. the video in that little article is i think taken by kim kardashian.. she's walking around some plants and talking about them. why? why is it a part of that article?
  14. posted this in the america thread but seems it should go here too.
  15. you're fucked now. it's gonna follow you to the grave.
  16. bunch of MAGA racists gonna go out and try some "ethnic" beans. Also reddit photoshop battle of Ivanka and beans. PsBattle: Ivanka Trump holding a can of Goya https://imgur.com/gallery/af0qAwg
  17. the AC in my car just died. still blowing air but it's not fookin cold! called the usual place i go to for car maintenance/repairs because they're awesome and totally trustworthy and do a good job but they can't fit me in until August 4th. ugh. they're short staffed due to covid. called another place that specializes in european cars (VW) and they can get me in next week but are a total unknown to me so a roll of the dice. fingers crossed. also, it just started warming up a lot today.
  18. How tf is mandating a mask communism? https://v.redd.it/0ce5an98yua51
  19. read this as "nuddy luddites" and can't shake the image of nudist luddites and what their lives must look like.
  20. damn. brain aneurism does suck. 49. RIP
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