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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i had a GI Stromal tumor removed 2 years ago. so i'm on an oral chemo drug since then. will probably be on it long term. haven't taken rick simpson oil but weed in all its forms wrecks me. it's a bummer. would love to enjoy the edibles and oils and a joint now and then.
  2. sometimes edgelords just fall outta the sky. my fwp is all my vices have been whittled down to nothing. over the last 3 or so years of health issues and now the cancer w/associated medication i can't even drink 1 cider w/o sleep ruined and next day a challenge/struggle. weed makes me miserable which is a bummer because back in the day it was part of the routine... if i could smoke a cigarette now and then it'd help but i'd get addicted and it would wreck my throat but that nicotine body rush that lasts about 20 seconds was always nice for me, a non smoker, who'd bum a smoke now and then. so i'm left with comfort food. occasional chocolate ice cream, sleep.. exercise. but hardly a vice really. if i could have 1 oxycodone per week that'd be great because i'm in pain sometimes anyways and i sleep like shit. i should grow some poppies and diy.
  3. it would be a lapse in judgement to post such things here.
  4. my dell inspiron laptop w/p3 800mhz and RME multiface/cardbus was a stupid solid machine. never crashed ever. i could run audiomulch at max cpu load and work for hours. also
  5. https://www.theonion.com/police-didn-t-spend-millions-on-awesome-tank-just-to-le-1843860163?fbclid=IwAR180BHhnwdR9vqENsFw5WPu8G8ujsFLxIh3avz6c7YK1asuwcp0z3JT97E
  6. this clip is making the rounds even though it's a couple years old. "Sacramento, city council meeting, after Sac PD murdered Stephon Clark in 2018"
  7. she looks like she hired michael jackson's doctor. MJ was taking like 20-40mg of xanax a day and also getting the propohol at night to sleep. 2mg of xanax is enough to make a typical person just pass out and sleep for 12 hours. melania must be numbing herself extra hard these days.
  8. Trump Vs. Reality https://v.redd.it/zp9v35jhzk251
  9. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/500604-police-officers-injured-in-multiple-incidents-amid-george-floyd-protests inevitable.
  10. Simultaneously there’s a lot of peaceful protests and marches and vigils but they don’t get the same airtime. If it bleeds it leads. Regarding groups spreading chaos, yep. Even heard “boogaloo boys” mentioned on the nightly news yesterday. So that narrative is getting traction. I think chaos is competing evenly with everything else. The police and national guard aren’t know for being nuanced in response. They’re all blunt instructions especially as trump spews his bullshit. It’s infectious. The next few days are crucial. It’s gonna stay weird though I think.
  11. Well: “In order to deploy U.S. active-duty personnel to conduct law enforcement on American soil, the president must invoke the 1807 Insurrection Act. It has been used several times in U.S. history, including by President George H.W. Bush during the 1992 Los Angeles Riots.”
  12. yeah.. i think maybe he can send some troops into DC but i don't even know if that's possible.
  13. he probably has a few allies in there too. i bet there will be big discussions amongst the military types how to follow the orders but "only a little" to appease trump. unless there is someone w/real balls.. but those people usually get fired by trump. we could have some kind of showdown between them. who knows what it'll come to??? we're in batshit times.
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