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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. americans are quick to take the attacks to a personal place and talk about appearances or spout some racist bullshit.. calling that guy "boy" and shit like that. wtf. so aggravating. white supremacist fuck.
  2. i think a person can be stupid, determined and have an agenda.. those things aren't mutually exclusive. i think trump surrounding himself w/loyalists and firing everyone else makes it obvious how loyal stephen miller is. he's been there since the beginning. he's the little engine pushing an addled warped mind.. a narcissist.. onward. trump probably has a pretty clear vision of his ideal operating space and some notion of how to get there but without enablers and conspirators i don't think he could do it.. we'll see though. he's still got time and november election is anyone's guess. i don't trust any of the polls or stories coming out about how a blue wave will happen and trump support is in the toilet and all that.. perhaps in some segments it is but there's still plenty of time for everything to change more than once. trump is an experienced grifter and has ability to see the scams laid out in front of him.. he twiddles his fingers knowing how he can pull the wool over everyone and funnel money to him and his family or friends or anyone he wants to do him a favor later. so, there's a sophisticated thing happening.
  3. It’s all about you Donald. Trump says he thinks some Americans are wearing masks to show they disapprove of him and not as a preventive measure during the pandemic https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-americans-wearing-masks-show-disapproval-not-as-preventive-measure-2020-6
  4. this kind of shit always makes me think it's stephen miller's doing. he's the creepy racist behind the big orange racist
  5. his father was also in congress but i think state congress. they live in a district in florida that is red as fuck and full of ridiculous people. he's just like his father in that they believe there is no such thing as bad press. he doesn't care so long s he's sucking up to the right people and in the news in some way. he thinks it makes him a "player" even when he looks like a fool. he's a slime ball but also a moron. his parents live in the same house that was jim carrey's house in the truman show. they live in niceville florida. can't make this shit up. it's weird.
  6. um, yeah. yes, affirmmmmmaative..
  7. matt gaetz is such an idiot.. basically starts to go down the list of argumentative fallacy he can.. "Was that a nerve?"
  8. could probably carve a urinal out of a statue. put that in the museum bathroom.
  9. if you click on the "victory is mine" it takes you to the post and the video goes full frame and it's funnier to see him punch out the kids.
  10. half the people on my street have them.. including me.. and some people have signs in their windows. it's a good way to remind the idiots who come to portland from vancouver washington and drive around in their big ass trucks.. speeding through neighborhoods w/big trump flags waving from their trucks.. sometimes actually attacking people on the street (has happened a few times bt mostly downtown area or dense SE portland) that they are not welcome.. their bullshit doesn't fly etc etc.. there's a black church a block from me so i think that has something to do w/it to. overall i think it's a pssive show of support. there is a senior couple down the block w/home made signs. .one says "The Pig Is not My President" and that has been u psince trump was elected.. and the other one says "VOTE Nov. 2020 - Eject the PIG from our house".. right in the middle of their really nice garden.
  11. i still can't believe how weird and awkward he is.. every time i think he can't be that weird he out does himself w/weirdness.
  12. i want to believe.. https://www.reddit.com/link/ha7jmr/video/0retbnu4wa551/player?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=autechre&utm_content=t3_ha7jmr
  13. there's another video that shows him w/the crowd and someone starts yelling at him and skateboard dude hits him w/his board. some said he 'brandished' his gun and freaked some people out and was being antagonistic or something. i forget where it is.. saw it on reddit in the thread about the incident. the whole things seems dumb and crazy. why chase a guy who's leaving and then tackle him? why not just keep filming him as he leaves? i guess everyone was threatened? wtf. why bring a gun to a protest anyways? "free speech" blah blah.. good idea to antagonize a mob of people as they're tearing down a statue. i mean... it's not smart. i call bullshit on "we're here to protect public property" and all that. fucking tards. what a shit show. also, stupid statue. and why the fuck shoot someone over a stupid statue? are the protestors going to go to egypt and tear down the pyramids next? i mean.. .slaves built those right? or aliens i guess. how far back are we destroying the past? i know a dumb statue is a different thing to the pyramids and i'm being a pedantic twat but blah.. i hope the dude who got shot recovers. also, the journos are piling on w/this kind of stuff. https://eand.co/american-collapse-is-going-to-go-global-7f71e2fb92e2
  14. it's a shit show. i watched a bunch of videos. the whole thing is dumb. why chase a guy who's already leaving. maybe he had his gun out when the skater dude hit him before he started leaving? i don;t know.. makes no sense. america.. everyone is packing. it's fucked.
  15. ^^^ the banks should've been broken up and people should've gone to jail for sure. failure to do anything of these things just leads to people wanting guillotines or tyler durden or both.
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