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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. that was/is what Bernie Sanders was all about.. there's a new left forming but so far all it's doing is influencing the democratic platform. (hopefully). a progressive party is happening but it's background stuff. i'm sure this movement will be a part of it in some way.
  2. the video is pretty satisfying. i'm sure it'll become a meme soon and people will remix it and add music etc.
  3. recent supreme court cases that tilted right thanks to the conservative judges.. removed certain portions of the voting rights act. so they basically can do whatever they want and not even have to ask permission or hide it. this is a practice run for november. the judge who made this decision was appointed by regan in 1985 i think.. he was recommended by the fucking turtle himself.. moscow mitch. so we have decades of shit decisions to look forward to now that trump has appointed so man federal judges. has a huge effect going forward...
  4. He wore himself out drinking water with one hand.
  5. this is what gets people to set shit on fire. i guess kentucky gets to burn next.. Voting rights expert Ari Berman wrote in a tweet: “There will be one polling place for 616,000 registered voters in Louisville’s Jefferson County, where half state’s black voters live.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kentucky-cuts-polling-locations-angry-mob-long-lines-georgia-election-day-disaster-confusion-a9577501.html
  6. not saying anything about people changing their minds.. his core base will never change their minds i think.. i'm mostly thinking about the idea of a "super spreader" event which is what some of the media were calling the rally. sounds more like a porn title.. but anyways.. mass gatherings w/people getting covid would be detrimental to the surrounding city/town/state. a really yuge bad thing. as for interfering w/the rally... there were so many cops surrounding the place and one lone protester got arrested and she was just sitting there wearing an I can't breath shirt. haven't seen any footage of protesters blocking metal detectors etc.. not saying it didn't happen but seems like that stuff would all over the internet already. even w/low turnout covid spreading far and wide w/in the community there is certainly possible. thousands of people still present.
  7. but also means perhaps fewer people got the covid which is good. public safety being so low on list of priorities it's nice a fewer people were there. it is pretty funny that Kpop fans and a bunch of teens shit on trumps big night out. also?
  8. there is zero proof that fish supplements do any good. fish from actual fish is another story.. possibly. also, a large amount of fish oil supplements are spoiled.. the fish oil is bad and as a result causes a toxic like reaction to cells in the body. it's a totally unregulated market with zero standards.. here's a good doc about supplements in the USA. they go deep on fish oil. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/supplements-and-safety/ lol.. didn't see what thread i posted in. free fish oil w/every purchase of this digital vinyl cassette
  9. well, trump fired Berman for real so obstruction of justice number 3? 4? 5? https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/20/politics/berman-barr-trump-rule-of-law/index.html "Because you have declared that you have no intention of resigning, I have asked the President to remove you as of today, and he has done so," Barr said. also Seth Abramson: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1274194312696401920.html
  10. oh.. gonna be extra special people at the tulsa rally today.. .super spreading the covid... but not this guy!
  11. also, federal jusdge refused to issue an order to block bolton's book.
  12. Now We Know of Two More Impeachable Offenses by Trump and Barr https://washingtonmonthly.com/2020/06/20/america-just-learned-about-two-more-impeachable-offenses-by-trump-and-barr/
  13. Florida gov blames coronavirus rise on ‘overwhelmingly Hispanic’ workers https://nypost.com/2020/06/19/desantis-blames-covid-spike-on-overwhelmingly-hispanic-laborers/
  14. there's millions in southeast asia too. landmines always get left behind and then native people have to figure out how to defuse/remove etc. watched more than one long form investigative journalism story on the problem and it's fucked.
  15. the fuck. not surprising. glad Berman isn't taking any shit. Barr is a shitbag bootlicking asshole. he's as bad as any of them... if not worse.
  16. this is awesome. why don't i fucking own this? happy friday to me then ?
  17. post your list in the capitalist bootlicker thread. it's a good valve for release.
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