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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. same problem. i ended up pushing my glasses down my nose some and that helped a bit.
  2. hmm. any time i go to the doctor they put one of these on my finger. it seems as simple as taking temperature. doesn't require much expertise. you just put it on your finger and sit still and breath normally. i think you can't have sweaty hands and your finger should be dry but other than that it's pretty simple. when i was in the hospital i'd have to take off the wires etc when i got up to go pee and then put them back on when i got back to the bed and didn't have any trouble doing it even hopped up on pain meds. checking O2 saturation is a good indicator. i ordered one for $40 from internet after not finding one in my local pharmacy (sold out). medication side effects for me some times ape flu symptoms and i get fatigued and feel like i have to gulp air. it's weird as fuck and i went to my dr office once already because i couldn't tell if it was something new or side effects of meds??? it's frustrating and i'm sure i just needed to get out of my head and wait for things to bounce back to normal but wtf.. my doc is less than a mile from home and easy to get in for a quick check.. but i figured instead of being in that position i'd just spend $40 and get an oximeter.
  3. btw... https://www.nme.com/news/music/billy-corgan-smashing-pumpkins-are-working-on-21-new-songs-for-pretty-different-album-2599920 Billy Corgan says Smashing Pumpkins are working on 21 new songs for “pretty different” album
  4. "This Seller is open to offers" someone should really tell this seller it's not worth the cost of shipping... and nowhere near $1000.00 https://reverb.com/item/33655131-open-labs-miko-lx-37-key-keyboard-workstation-total-music-production-system
  5. this was a week ago and i'm still not over it.
  6. only caught wind of the 'obamagate' nonsense today. trump will say anything to deflect and spice up the mayonnaise of his base. Graham gonna say some stupid fun shit or fart in trump's general direction. we'll see. he's a little disingenuous drama queen of a brat. the lady who does my mom's hair has told my mom more than once that Graham is definitely gay.. apparently there is some kind of hairdresser grapevine that goes from south florida up the east coast. edit - lol.. (2nd tweet down)
  7. i sent $20 to her campaign months ago. she was within margin of error for a while. gonna be tough to defeat the turtle though.
  8. should have a "because you're a pain in the ass customer" surcharge.
  9. dems/repubs is just a power struggle shifting one way or the other. it's always about obtaining or holding on to power. there's plenty of corruption to go around. on a national level the republicans in congress under mcconnel are particularly savage and ruthless and have no trouble throwing away the rules to get their way. state/local governments often have a similar dynamic but there's always exceptions to the rule and level headed people trying to do stuff for the common good.
  10. florida for example.. the west coast of florida (venice, tampa, naples) are republican strongholds full of rich wankers. also, old people everywhere in florida and parts of florida are super poor and religious or retired living on fixed income.. then you have south florida.. ft lauderdale, miami, coconut grove, south beach.. which are mostly left leaning but also full of retired people, super rich people, conservative cubans etc.. and the disparity in wealth is so evident in parts of miami.. it's crazy. super rich coastal neighborhoods in coconut grove and 3 blocks out towards US1 and there's car jackings at intersections and public housing and super poor people living in slum lord housing. i'd argue that parts of florida cannot be understood. there are plenty of trump idiots, reclusive racists who live in small towns with no neighbors nearby because they're scared of something. then towards the coast it's super chill and beach like laid back people who are more outgoing and inclusive. once you get out of central miami and north miami beach and south miami.. it gets dizzying with all the cognitive dissonance. trying to make this post make sense is a challenge because my brain is jumping all over the place.
  11. they know.. they know! they are aware of their rights.
  12. fug https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-inflammatory-syndrome-children-cuomo-today-us-states-covid-19-a9512851.html Coronavirus: 15 US states investigating cases of children suffering from rare inflammatory syndrome, Cuomo says At least five European countries are also investigating the syndrome, Governor Andrew Cuomo say
  13. had a hunch it was Florida.. generic cookie cutter McMansion, plastic white fence, super green lawn, blinding sun.. check.. yep florida.
  14. incoming The data in a May 7 coronavirus task force report are at odds with President Donald Trump's declaration Monday that "all throughout the country, the numbers are coming down rapidly." ALSO - https://www.salon.com/2020/05/12/michigan-anti-lockdown-protesters-spread-covid-19-to-rural-areas-whitmer-tells-pence-in-leaked-call/ fucken derps Michigan anti-lockdown protesters spread COVID-19 to rural areas, Whitmer tells Pence in leaked call "From initial protests here . . . we've got COVID-19 spreading in rural parts of our state," Gretchen Whitmer says
  15. so absurd. really. what a joke. delusional people. caught the story on newhour. it's alonger version w/more detail. but isn't any different than the vice story on the main events. bunch of ass hats. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/inside-the-botched-venezuela-raid-that-maduro-is-trying-to-exploit
  16. I'm contemplating a 3rd serving of apple pie a la mode. i've mostly been a potato for the past 3 weeks. is this controversial? the 7pm cheering for health care workers was nice at first then got annoying and i hide in the basement because it's when PBS News Hour starts anyways.
  17. but they're still training new recruits/marines at camp Pendleton.. moving them in on planes/trains/busses. probably not until there's a vaccine or some other big change like continuous testing
  18. 2nd wave gonna poopoo a mega doodoo on America. Over 100 Coronavirus Cases in South Korea Have Now Been Linked to One Guy’s Night Out Clubbing Now authorities are frantically trying to track down 11,000 people who might have been exposed, and prevent a second wave of infections. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ep44dp/over-100-coronavirus-cases-in-south-korea-have-now-been-linked-to-one-guys-night-out-clubbing
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