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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/trump-ask-why-government-let-coronavirus-wash-over-country
  2. "Donald Trump is best ever. Drink my piss kool-aid"
  3. can't have national vote by mail if there's no USPS. i guess there could be drop boxes for ballots like here in oregon but so much for a public good. What country doesn't have a fucking postal service?>???? https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-rejects-bailout-that-included-aid-to-usps-report-says-2020-4
  4. there's not enough testing in USA. even if they're reporting every case there's definitely more. same w/deaths. in NYC the rate of cardiac arrest deaths went up 400 percent in a week or something.. people are just dying at home w/o being tested. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/massive-spike-in-nyc-cardiac-arrest-deaths-seen-as-sign-of-covid-19-undercounting/2368678/
  5. someone needs to edit trumps head on eddie.
  6. These Headlines were on same page. Mericuh YYEEEAAAAHHH!
  7. and apparently it's from India? pundits are a well informed bunch the world over ?
  8. there's a lot of shit going around facebook that's equal parts cringe/funny/informative depending on your perspective. someone sent this to me.
  9. there was a time when all moms would go see any John Travolta movie if he danced in it for like 20 seconds... because "he dances again!"
  10. virus thread getting pretty weird.
  11. we've plopped directly into spring here in the PNW and the comforting grey blanket of mildness has vanished and now the sun is out early int he AM and it's to fucking bright. too fucking bright. not like miami bright where the sun feels like it's 12ft directly over your head but still just bright as fuck. my eyes don't like it.
  12. that interview reminded me of this book for some reason ? https://www.amazon.com/Antifragile-Things-That-Disorder-Incerto/dp/0812979680?fbclid=IwAR18eDKhx0zGUvxIR-vCx4yw5V1ILCVZ6B0xFNHyvrjO9kHGS62yFkHT-3U
  13. one of the problems w/people like owens is she exists in the pundit world and frames her arguments as such. she's confined by the media psyche in a way. there's certainly an agenda as there always is.. but it's weird shit. there's fracturing. it's an us vs them but everyone in that us vs them is american. people like her want to do damage for some wrong they imagine was foisted on them by the "other".. buy "them" in america. she and people like her are more interested in hurting some people than helping the people she imagines would be her supporters.
  14. heard the same. also not delivering on requests from governors. some governors anyways.. but just take zinc.. it'll be fine.
  15. this cheered me up for .5 seconds.
  16. i'm aware of that. the china frontline episode is about a total surveillance state tested/proof of concept on the Uyghurs in Xiang Jiang region of china. barcodes on front doors of dwellings, checking papers everywhere, cameras everywhere, forcing them to download apps so whenever a cop stops them they can connect their phone to a device that copies all their data and sends it to a database for scanning etc. it's not about the tech not being secure it's about them telling the segment of population that the tech is not working for you.. it's working for the state and you will cubmit to our checks or you will be detained.. and most likely you will be detained anyways because the state is going to erase your culture. it's off topic anyways.. but is worth watching imo to see what's happening. alos, this..
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