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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ha! i also was thinking maybe this is just sabre rattling to freak out iran with a 'serious bluff'. but also wouldn't guess this administration to be that strategic w/foreign affairs. new poll shows trump as only president never to reach 50% approval rating https://www.msnbc.com/11th-hour/watch/new-poll-shows-trump-is-the-only-u-s-president-to-never-reach-50-approval-62386245630?cid=sm_npd_ms_tw_ma
  2. I don’t remember where I downloaded this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. disinformation is a different thing to disenfranchise. republicans in many states have used their position of power in state houses to gerrymander districts. they also have pushed forward lot's of campaings that prevent people from voting. they're notorius for doing this. changing voter registration laws, purging voter lists for on reason or another etc etc etc. their goal is to prevent non-republican voters from casting votes. period.
  4. GOP hoping to disenfranchise all teh voters before the election. the race is already on
  5. as yet i'm unable to read my dog's mind. i''m better at interpreting his behavior but we've not achieved the mindmeld.
  6. flag day is not new.. that image of the idiot hugging the flag is so cringey and hilarious. it doesn't seem real and i'm wondering if the simulation will get any weirder.
  7. https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2017/08/04/huckabees-sons-analyzed-in-new-yorker-essay-on-large-adult-son-meme
  8. yeah. it's full of insanity. and lately he's saying the stock market will crash if he's not re-elected. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-15/trump-warns-of-epic-stock-market-crash-if-he-s-not-re-elected
  9. https://www.democracynow.org/2019/6/14/us_blames_iran_oil_tankers_attack about 13 minutes into the video it should start but watch the whole thing if you're up for it.
  10. that's fine so long as the last 30 years are in prison.
  11. ^^^ i'm pretty sure i had hot gay sex w/that guy at rest stop on the Florida Turnpike. fu page break!
  12. there's a difference between 'opposition research' and 'inviting foreign governments to hack to the emails of your opponent'. i hope donald trump dies soon. still hoping it happens on the toilet so he flops onto the floor half naked w/shit all around him. or has a stroke live on air and no one is sure what is happening because he kind of looks/sounds like he's having a stroke sometimes.
  13. i don't want to hear any of these people's voices anymore. honestly, they're all quite sickening how boldly they lie.
  14. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    elseq 1-5 is 20 years old today!
  15. could be but i don't know. i think cookies are activated. i didn't even know i'd chosen a theme though ?
  16. found a like new copy of Curtis Roads - The Computer Music Tutorial for $23 bought a used $200 video card for my 2010 mac pro that will allow me to install Mojave when the time comes, thus extending the life of my mac. my fw achievements revolve around good deals. i've not personally achieved anything. i did make a nice potato dish last week though.
  17. yeah.. true. the connections raise eyebrows for me but i guess it's really quite normal. what's hilarious is the donations are dwarfed by Adelson's donations that were $25 million or something. as for foreign money i think it goes through PACs right? the super pacs get the 'dark' money and don't have to report any of it. it's quite laughable. direct contributions to campaigns are one thing but the PAC money is a separate thing entirely and for the most part those people don't have to reveal where the money comes from. i remember Colbert did a thing on it one season when he was still doing The Colbert Report.
  18. “Mostly false” but really just semantics. If the “attack on McConnell” was worded differently it’d be “mostly true”. The truth is there’s shitloads of foreign money coming into US elections. I’m guessing most of it is untraceable? US Billionaires donate to election campaigns in every state. Look at Susan Collins of Maine. The bulk of her campaign finances come from a few people who don’t live in her state. Funneling money from outside the US happens in the same way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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