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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. jesus... he's so fucking dumb. https://thehill.com/latino/423089-trump-threatens-to-cut-aid-to-honduras-guatemala-and-el-salvador http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/12/trump-threatens-close-southern-border-wall-government-shutdown-recession.html
  2. omg this fucking guy... https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/12/trump-exposes-location-identities-of-navy-seals-in-iraq.html
  3. Each moment can apparently be a whole book. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. and it's golden because every dog int he neighborhood peed on it.
  5. 5 million = half a billion. math doesn't matter! so long as they build a wall of any shape or size all problems will be fixed
  6. gettng old sucks. I threw out my lower back last May just from doing sit-ups. So I've switched to leg lifts for ab workouts and haven't had that problem since. Planks are a good exercise for your core too. The physical aspect of aging sucks, but I think mentally it's the opposite. it's a mixed bag all around imo. but if my body was in better shape i'd be happier and i think mentally i'd be having more fun and perhaps be more productive in general. for me... it's really easy to be pessimistic or some form of nihilistic leg lifts and planks.. yeah.. i have lot's of info about all the things i need to do. seems as soon as i get to where i can get the ball rolling i encounter a setback. it all makes for a very strange treadmill type of vibe. i need to go to the grocery store tonight.
  7. I do both for back. Ice then heat then heat then heat then red wine and lidocaine back patch. I’ve had back problems for ages. Started with a whiplash injury auto accident. Rear ended while stopped at a crosswalk in front of a school while the school was letting out. I guess if I wasn’t stopped there the old guy driving the huge Cadillac would’ve run over the kids in the crosswalk including the lady with her baby in the stroller and the 5 year old holding her hand. Since then it’s been up and down but the previous 12 months have been a shot show because of recovery from major abdominal surgery has put my core at about a 0 out of 10 and I’ve gained 20 pounds as well which is weird considering I’m taking a chemo drug every day. So I need to lose weight and start rehab of my core and do some basic yoga and stretching and get back on the bike for commuting etc etc. So I’m in a hole and it’s gonna take a while to get out. Getting old sucks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 1st of 3 days off and had pretty mega back spasm and in lot's of pain. knocked the wind out of me. currently seated with ice pack hoping to go numb. so much for my hopes of enjoying 3 days off
  9. First mad dog Mattis and now dick in the dirt McGurk. Who’s next? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. well he doesn't listen to anything i listen to, not even any curiosity when i've shown him stuff. why are you collaborating? masochism?
  11. dude is fucking weak. got a call from erdogan and bent the knee. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-call-turkish-leader-led-us-pullout-syria-143903344--politics.html
  12. http://www.msnbc.com/the-beat-with-ari-melber/watch/-this-is-different-mattis-out-shutdown-looms-stocks-fall-doj-turmoil-1403634755756 WINNING!!
  13. yeah. it's fucked. trump sucks at this. it's like they all have some kompromat on him. turkey says "get out so we can kill the kurds" - trump doesn't care about the kurds anyways but you know he's getting something on the back end. or there's a kasshogi angle here somewhere. "we'll keep quiet about what we know about the kahsoggi if you withdrawal and let us kill the kurds" who the fuck knows. trump is such a total fucking sleezebag scoundrel he's probably getting consideration for things down the road for making deals now. USA is also lifting sanctions on that one rusian oligarch who's kind of a central figure in all the bullshit. fuck. shut down the government. shit in everyone's mouth you giant orange fucking shitbag. maybe he'll fall down the stairs or something.
  14. fuck it. send him audio files in ableton projects. if you can't chat honestly about it it's not going to be any fun to do. i sometimes struggle with collabs even when they're going well! i haven't been able to dick w/music lately. a few things here and there but can't seem to focus on much. i think it's sleep deprivation, fatigue.
  15. very vague.. the fact that his former sec of state had to protect trump from himself all the time and tell him "i understand what you want to do but you can't do it that way because it's illegal"... seems to have had little staying power in trump's soft brain... but why would it? he's been doing it the illegal way his whole life.
  16. Because he is soft-brained and doesn't understand how any of this stuff works. He is just flailing around clueless. pretty much. he thinks he can just assign dollars from one thing to another even when it's not revenue for the government and that's not how paying for shit works. "trade is better so we can buy the wall through fixing the trade deficit with mexico and canada" - - - can we just close/lock the door behind him next time he goes on a trip somewhere and keep him out.
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