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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. trump soliciting deals directly from the kremlin negotiating w/putin’s right hand guy to give him the $50 million penthouse. i think a lot of this is leading to russia having evidence of all this and that basically means putin could end trump’s presidency whenever he wants by revealing that info, which explains part of why trump kisses putin’s ass all the time. basically an international organized crime ring involving the president of the united states and of course also.. it seems.. deutsche bank. The Trump Organization Planned To Give Vladimir Putin The $50 Million Penthouse In Trump Tower Moscow https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/anthonycormier/the-trump-organization-planned-to-give-vladimir-putin-the?bftwnews=&utm_term=4ldqpgc&ref=hpsplash
  2. cohen lied saying he lied to "protect person number 1 in the investigation and aligned his lies with person number 1s lies" etc.. so, obviously person number 1 is trump. lol.. what a total fucking shit show of morons and liars and hacks. fuckwits. i hope they all get fucking bum rushed and rolled up. so sick of people like this. fucking scammers and con artists.
  3. obviously not like that. I watched season 2 of Atypical and there's an episode where the main character (who's autistic) get's arrested because he's in midst of a panic and trying to calm himself w/repetitive phrases etc and the cop thinks he's on drugs. so was thinking about that when my sarcasm wasn't so obvious. anyway... i see no reason to tase that kid in the video. they could've talked him down. he wasn't being violent really.. cuffing a kid in school is fucked up but probably necessary sometimes if a kid is being violent. there's 2 full sized adults there to deal w/that one kid. but, judging by the reaction of the other students it seems that it's not the first kid to get tased in school.
  4. Likely died from complications of extreme dehydration. Beaten and denied medical care in immigration detention center. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/11/27/us/transgender-asylum-seeker-wrongful-death-claim/index.html Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. i was about ready to quite facebook 2 years ago then got a job that required me handling the FB page for the place. i'd love to dump it but sadly it's where the people are and it's become kind of mandatory to havea FB page or something.
  6. i'll throw a party when there is reason to celebrate. it'll be bitter sweet type of thing because wtf so much damage has been done already.
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/27/us/politics/trump-xi-trade-g-20.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage you just know if he decides to end the tariffs and come up w/some shitty 'deal' that it'll just be for him to save face though he'll say something like "i told you trade wars are easy to win". fucking hack.
  8. update: dog took a nice dump this morning after 2 walks. i need new tires on my car. made an appointment at the wrong location. it's a chain and they have a few locations and i somehow picked the one all the way across town. so tomorrow i get to fight traffic in late afternoon because i'm stupid. it's not that much further away from the place i intended to make an appointment but it's in fuck all right at the other side of the afternoon traffic shitshow.
  9. he might've looked at the USA flag.. but dogs are color blind more or less so maybe not.. this is a long way to go for a joke but why not..
  10. my dog is constipated. i gave him a pill pocket packed w/metamucil, dehydrated pumpkin powder (it's full of fiber), and enticed him to eat all his dinner with a splash of savory meaty oil from the dinner i cooked for myself.. then walked him like 4 times as much as normal. he's still uninterested in having a shit. hopefully tomorrow it breaks loose and he pushes out a the troublemaker. if not i'll have to take him to the vet and let them do some kind of dog enema or whatever is they do in situations like this.
  11. lol.. yeah i get that. i understand what abstract means but i think even in the abstract it kind of doesn't work for me. shrug.
  12. I think what he means in terms of social solidarity is social programs and having value in community. Willing to invest in them (infrastructure, public education, etc). American culture tends to value the individual over the community as a whole. i don't know. it sounds incredibly vague which i guess is where the rest of the book becomes relevant.. didn't "white flight" happen post war because of those scary inner cities and boom of the automobile and freeways going everywhere while streetcars and public transit were shut down? "value in community" i don't know.. there's a lot of really great home owner's associations ;) i think community was destroyed in a lot of places by mass movement of people to the burbs who created a new community around high school football and cheerleading and bake sales and stuff. and of course country clubs.. america is quite different in lots of places though.. what goes in one town don't go in another. the NE vs the midwest Vs rural communities in nebraska or kansas are all different things with very different histories and social environments and values even.. a 'history of everything' would need to be in the preface of this book for it to be believed. i think madison avenue ad execs drove a lot of things.. cultural movements were various and competing. but i think american culture does place a high value on the individual.. it's why there's so many shitty people disconnected from their surroundings.. but a lot of that is enforced by car culture and suburban living. you get in a bubble at your house that takes you to your job and after your job you get back in the bubble and go home and only interface w/a handful of people. is this all boomer's fault? there has to be more at work here? edit: i see pacifying them as a voter bloc to be a separate issue and is not w/o competition. there were arguments had. money spent. careers made. careers ruined etc. but yeah.. clinton did some dumb shit and he's a boomer to the core. smart as fuck and probably wishes he'd done some things differently but he wanted to get re-elected which is where most of the people make a bargain. "i could have principles or i could keep my job..hmm"
  13. Good quote: that sounds like something ripped out of an adam curtis documentary. this kind of thing needs lot's of supporting paragraphs. also needs to be way more specific. who exactly? er.. seems like this guy's book shold've been more about cultural changes and what drives them than "baby boomers did it".
  14. the 160 gb ipod i got on ebay a year or so ago was $165 shipped. it works well so far. it's standard apple ipod. no upgrades. had i known i'd have bought the $400 upgraded/rebuilt 256gb ipod in that guy's tore because i'd rather have a more long lasting thing. eventually the one i bought will die.
  15. danke! will look into it.. i know there are hidef players out there for $800 but i don't think they work well w/tunes playlists etc.
  16. can has link to such a service? i see stuff on ebay and there are lot's of hacks diy sites for how to upgrade an ipod w/smart media card etc but if there's a place you trust and had good experience with i'd love to hear about it :)
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