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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. yeah. that is/was a big deal here. that guy is a super piece of shit. he hit and run and then returned to the scene. the street he was on is two way/two lane road that is full of pedestrians and one of the more dense/busy shopping/restaurant parts of town. he was speeding and go around cars against traffic and ran her over. she pretty much died instantly. it's fucked. the judge would've denied bail but there's some law in oregon about that and so he set maximum bail amount. it's a shame for so many reasons. the girl was 15 and had just left her family to cross the street. her family was eating in a restaurant and i think saw her get hit. turns out she's the type of 15 year old who did all kinds of amazing stuff before she was even a teenager. organized relief for homeless people, did some kind of outreach and raised money and had ten different goals that were totally not self serving. she was "too good for this world" type of thing. it was awful. then that piece of shit cuts his ankle bracelet off and flees town with saudi government help. apparently that's typical for saudi nationals in trouble outside of their home country. christ how this not bigger news outside of Portland reminds me of a DWI/DUI hit and run years ago in Austin - GOP staffer hit and killed a pedestrian, went to a friends house, then went to work the next day. she got off light. Her dad was a former GOP politician and himself had DUIs on his record. the pedestrian was similarly a very active volunteer locally. not nearly as outrageous as this legally though DUI stories like this are far too common. it's sad and frustrating and depressing. there's a lot of celebrities who skate and lot's of connected people and kids of connected people who get away with all kinds of shit. In miami n the 90s local Fox reporter Rick Sanchez (who's a total tool) got popped for an accident when he was dui leaving a football game and he left the scene.. went home and drank nyquil and came back to the scene and got around the DUI because "oh i drank nyquil that's why i failed the breathalizer". fortunately he didn't kill anyone.. . but people like right wing fucktard congressman Matt Gates (another total tool) have skated on DUIs.. but also been caught. during his height of fame Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath got pulled over drunk as shit (he was well known to be a heavy boozer) and he got off by arguing in court that he was unable to give consent for the DUI test because he was too drunk to know what he was consenting too. but yeah... i'm glad the story about the shit stain who killed the girl in portland has resurfaced. he only left just before his court date. it's shady shit.
  2. i should'v said "men".. obviously women don't count especially when they renounce islam :-/
  3. yeah. that is/was a big deal here. that guy is a super piece of shit. he hit and run and then returned to the scene. the street he was on is two way/two lane road that is full of pedestrians and one of the more dense/busy shopping/restaurant parts of town. he was speeding and go around cars against traffic and ran her over. she pretty much died instantly. it's fucked. the judge would've denied bail but there's some law in oregon about that and so he set maximum bail amount. it's a shame for so many reasons. the girl was 15 and had just left her family to cross the street. her family was eating in a restaurant and i think saw her get hit. turns out she's the type of 15 year old who did all kinds of amazing stuff before she was even a teenager. organized relief for homeless people, did some kind of outreach and raised money and had ten different goals that were totally not self serving. she was "too good for this world" type of thing. it was awful. then that piece of shit cuts his ankle bracelet off and flees town with saudi government help. apparently that's typical for saudi nationals in trouble outside of their home country.
  4. yeah.. it's all kind of nuts. though imagine a bunch of drunk american idiots on planes with guns.
  5. LAX TSA confiscated 66 guns in one week during 2016. https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-firearm-la-airport-analysis-20190103-story.html not saying they aren't often useless and too expensive but sometimes they do something. i agree a lot of it is just to project the illusion of safety.
  6. he does seem determined to destroy anything obama did. watch this. about 50 seconds in starts the classic bill burr
  7. trump is so stupid and understands so little about actual government.. a lot of his supporters think he's still playing 4-D chess or whatever... they think he's doing exactly right by them. this is what they voted for.. "disrupt the system" or whatever the fuck. half of them probably believe w/the gov't shut down we're saving money and can then spend it on the wall. "we can use the shutdown money on other stuff". next week when the TSA doesn't get a paycheck and half of them walk off the job and lines in airports go out the terminal to the street.. we'll see some real mayhem and pressure. and there's this: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/three-people-have-died-national-parks-start-government-shutdown-n954991
  8. There’s a place in portland that always has a line. Sometimes out the door onto the sidewalk. It’s called Pine State Biscuits. I’m sure it’ll pop up in other cities the way everything successful in portland does. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. edited a 28 min jam down to 14 minutes and can't decide beyond that. my dog is looking at me like i'm supposed to know what he means and i have no idea since he's had a treat, just got back from 40+ minute walk and ate his dinner.
  10. i answered the phone at work before we even opened and it was some guy starting a surorack modular company (because everyone starts a eurorack modular company) and he has an idea and wants feedback and wants to make an appointment then offers up 1 day in the next few weeks when he wants to make an appointment. i told him to send an email and we'll figure something out. his idea is some kind of acoustic device that interfaces with eurorack. i can't wait to shit on it. i'm in a terrible mood and frustrated by stupid shit.
  11. i need smelling salts once a day. these fucks are sliding into maggot brain right before our eyes. edit: btw one of the top comments for that tweet is gold.
  12. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLLLMMMMFFFAAAOOOO stupid watergate is amazing.. trump approved this cash for the republican house because they said it would be useful to investigate hillary.. and trump kept saying there would be a "redwave" at the midterms.. flol.. idiot. now pelosi has big dollars to hire the big shot lawyer for the dems. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/12/29/1822324/-Trump-gave-House-extra-129M-to-help-investigate-Hillary-Now-Pelosi-has-it this is the guy pelosi hired.. 40-year Department of Justice veteran attorney Douglas N. Letter as general counsel for the House of Representatives. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/nancy-pelosi-announces-very-big-deal-lawyer-hire-ahead-of-democrats-house-takeover/ also.. ART OF THE DEAL!!! master negotiator.. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/02/politics/donald-trump-shutdown-congress-meeting/index.html which is the same thing he said to the president of mexico when he was trying to get them to pay for the wall.. jesus this guy is so fucking weird and stupid and psychologically up his own ass. i hope the whole family gets rolled up and humiliated... indict them all. also there's this bullshit... https://www.salon.com/2019/01/02/former-bush-adviser-predicts-president-trump-will-leave-office-in-2019/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-just-confirmed-stock-markets-225049102.html
  13. he deserved it. he reached out and grabbed her.. he should get beat down. she should get a paid vacation
  14. Squee - shit.. that's solid douchebag move. who the fuck does that?
  15. nice. particularly like the 23 minutes to 33 minutes chunk. nice patterns. heady and chunky jams.
  16. ^^^ warped vinyl.. i've heard a few things over the years. 200 degrees oven for a few minutes then lay flat.. just lay flat w/o packaging and it'll straighten put it between two turntable platters like a sandwich.. wait. i think i read something about wax paper and an iron. but there's probably some kind professional way to do it.
  17. i guess Putin has a list of demands... https://thehill.com/policy/international/423210-putin-tells-trump-that-moscow-is-ready-to-talk-on-a-extensive-agenda?fbclid=IwAR1caKukwRfPZhKfy1QJMdjAfG1sBW94WRCil2YaeObV09bej8ThehWn0qc
  18. i don't wanna work.. i just wanna bang on this drum all day...
  19. if there's no actual criminality for DJT in the Mueller report then we're just headed for an even more polarized nation until he goes full crazy and republicans in congress start breaking ranks. the report needs to be full of really damning stuff for trump. otherwise he hangs around and runs in 2020 and we get another 4 years of punishment if/when he wins. if he can't be impeached by both houses.. well.. we all eat shit.
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