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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. Some of those kids will face disciplinary action from their school including possible expulsion https://www.newsweek.com/maga-cap-wearing-pupils-catholic-school-who-taunted-native-americans-could-1298460 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. i hate these kind of clickbait clips that only provoke unfocused hyperbolic responses. there is a lot to unpack in just this clip even without knowing the full context. on a basic level there isn't very much happening in this video. but you have to look at the subtext. on a very basic level this looks a lot like any example of a gang of teenagers getting a 'dangerous' kick from being somewhat confrontational to an 'other', in this case a native american elder. then you add in the aspect of the maga kids bringing their arguably mocking energy to the indigenous people's march, which is a serious thing trying to address real problems, and also consider the callous history of abuse towards natives by colonists and this becomes more nasty of a thing. on surface value this is just teenagers being assholes. but it signals to a larger cultural malaise. a lot of people were reminded of similar scenes of teens "just standing there" and apparently they were yelling "build the wall" at some point and yelling at Native Americans to build a wall is obviously not about immigration.. it's about white supremacy which is the path these little maga fucks are headed down. that maga hat is some kind of license for little cocky fucks to be assholes beyond just normal stupid inexperienced ignorant teenager bullshit. they put it on and they think they're bigger or part of something bigger that makes them 'supreme' non-whites. these kids feel entitled and yes they're stupid teens who probably have shit parents and shit educations. but that's how the world sees america these days.. that's how a lot of america sees america these days.
  3. here's the story.. and your pill of rage for the day https://www.yahoo.com/news/maga-hatted-teens-harass-native-182138098.html
  4. mueller doesn't want the demos in the house to start impeachment proceedings w/o all the real details. "hey false start people"
  5. of course they wouldn't. jesus was an evangelical american. when he comes back he's going to put things right. so far he only sent trump to get things going nad set the stage for his return because trump is our god chosen emperor here on earth.. until the jesus return. he'll see the shining city on a hill that is america and he'll land in trumps whitehouse and then trump will give him advice and jesus will zip on over the israel and crack the land in half and out will come gold and milk and honey and a might shield to protect his people then he'll lay waste to all his enemies and elevate america and israel to the heavans.. except for the nonblievers of course. and.. jesus being a hippy is just liberal fake news.. he actually was quite muscular and ate rare meat and his eyes would burn with fire when he was near his enemies and he would stricke fear unto them just by hiz gaze... and he only got crucified the first time because of the jews who were confused. and judas of course. i mean.. it's all right here in this film. https://www.thetrumpprophecymovie.com/about
  6. marketing is serious business. serious.. serious business. the products americans own are the fabric of our society. when you question the truths of masculinity in a commercial it's basically equivalent to crucifying jesus all over again.. but this time.. it's personal. it's not just jesus being crucified it's AMERICAN JESUS and that's whole different thing. american jesus fed washington's soldiers and kept them warm and dry.. he stormed the beaches of normandy and personally blessed each and every cigarette and hot sandwich.. and not only that but he invented the ford mustang and chevy pick up truck and built the hoover dam and still to this day puts nacho cheese on every single dorito chip produced by nabisco. so i say to you gillette.. are you trying to sell me a sensitive gay tom brady who doesn't fuck his hot brazillian wife?
  7. It’ll be fine. https://i.imgur.com/f1yfA7D.gif Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. There’s a Starbucks gift card on my dining table that’s been there for 3 years. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. can only hope he overdoses on propecia and goes into liver failure or something. or he suddenly just forgets how to breath
  10. the narrative seems to be changing.. this measured and timed rolling out of 'reports' and coverage about trump and collusion and putin and the meetings they had and the FBI investigation etc.. i think this is the way they are getting the public in a frame of mind for the final report and the "inevitable "trump is a traitor" conclusion. the pace of it seems made for current media worked to give people time to digest it all.
  11. Use it as a tactic to further turn his voter base on the dems, as he can convince them the shut down is their fault entirely? IE "look as soon as the dems got in they started blocking my promises blah blah blah I was prepared to build a wall it was going to be a great wall, the greatest wall even" Or something? because he's an idiot who was all set to renew funding for the gov't until he watched fox news and got criticized by anne coulter. <--- totally true story btw. trump told mcconnel to pass the bill for funding and he'd sign it. the senate passed the bill and all was set to go forward and then trump turned on the tv and got his new instructions.
  12. lol nice The longer it goes the worse it's going to look on Trump/GOP though, getting into really bad territory now that it's the longest one ever. Optics are what Trump and many of his supporters in the media care about, and things are really starting to look bad from all sides (FDA, FBI, air traffic controllers union, etc.) but putin is happy so trump feels fine.
  13. vice president of USA is a shitbird evangelical of the shittiest caliber.
  14. can we please remove the tax exempt status for organized religion? https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/evangelical-group-wants-gays-removed-anti-lynching-bill-n956831?fbclid=IwAR3RJ4pU7AjhHYS73NPGUKcB8z7WFj_3oychbLBhbhqNKrtTQeasXwEX1cA
  15. If only Pelosi was Sloth from the Goonies, then this would all be over! we'd all be living in Chunk's house forever part of the family...
  16. he's gotta be on some kind of amphetamine. the way he inflates and deflates like that.
  17. via reddit https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/08/us/politics/manafort-trump-campaign-data-kilimnik.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage can you say.. collusion... because that's collusion.
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