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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ignatius

    Now Reading

    just finished 1984. it was just the thing for me at this time. reading Delillo's Zero K now. thinking of tackling a classic after.. don quixote or ulysses or something.. but might just read infinite jest again or dive into some pk dick or idk wtf.
  2. i downloaded zynaptiq adaptiverb to demo it and it requires iLok authorization via their hard drive auth or dongle. i used he HD auth since i have a few auths for that already (eventide, soundtoys) and the ilok app is fucked up so all my activations were deleted. it's happening to a bunch of users so at least it's not just me. but ilok customer support is the worst shit ever. also i visit too many forums on the internets
  3. could just be reflux but go to a GI doc. gastro interologist if it persists for much longer or gets worse. i have GERD (reflux) and a hiatal hernia also atrial fibrillation so i'm versed in lot's of various chest pains and throat pains. take a couple antacids after a meal. if it gets worse go see your doctor though.
  4. it's a bummer. imagine the rage filled stuff he could spew about all this.
  5. some friends of mine are visiting from florida. were talking about how miami beach is installing more pumps to pump out sea water and when the heavy rains/windy storms happen or large tidal shifts on full moons etc that the sea water seeps up through the ground in some places. so, florida is going to shrink and floridians are going to disperse to high ground.
  6. all i can picture is Crocket and Tubbs making out w/their ladies and driving sports cars around miami at night in a montage.
  7. definitely regional accent. my ears aren't used to it. NY and chicago and parts midwest (since Fargo) get most air play.. other than southern of course.
  8. that reporter.. she says "do-nits" dunkin donits. every time. it's great.
  9. "Cries ft. pitbull" is most true meme ever. pitbull's twitter account is hilarious btw. i catch retweets of things sometimes and it's unreal.
  10. thanks for that. so many things are awesome in that clip. Officer Psycho.
  11. HOLY FUCKING LOL... in tears... L00L, magnificent! in case you want to go deeper.. of course there is a subreddit for the book. yeah.. it's a book https://www.reddit.com/r/petalsfalltwice/ dramatic reading:
  12. that lady has a squirrel in her brain. i'm sure of it.
  13. saw an interview on the news where they were talking about the possibility. it seems a weird thing to float at this point..but this election campaign has been pretty weird. he's a giant troll even if he intends to stick with it. he's still just a big shitty troll. i've no idea what to think if he suddenly drops out. his supporters will implode/explode freak out. what will it mean for his replacement? who would taht be? what a weird process. i guess the RNC would pick the nominee. what a shit show.
  14. all that aside I think the most disturbing aspect is he's a immature spoiled brat. he talks so much shit then throws a hissy fit when someone spits it back at him. he's literally a little shit of a child who thrashes around and turns into a crybaby as soon as anyone tells him "no" or a another kid pushes back. he can dish it out but just can't take it.
  15. we know this already but it's a fresh dose/reminder of the kinds of people trump gives license to come out of the racist moron closet http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000004533191/unfiltered-voices-from-donald-trumps-crowds.html
  16. At least they didn't fuck up the first American Idol. If Justin won it could have set a really bad precedent. That was post 9/11 pre Iraq war though. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk hoping this holds true. was 538/nate silvers doing forecasts for idol then?
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