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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i enjoyed it. watched it last night. pretty interesting stuff. nice take on the ideas. great cast etc. hopefully it stays that way :)
  2. nice rant from dan savage about 3rd party candidates for president: http://www.thestranger.com/slog/2016/07/19/24362128/dan-savage-on-jill-stein-just-no
  3. appears trump didn't register his charity foundation. http://www.npr.org/2016/10/03/496420873/new-york-attorney-general-trump-charitable-foundation-violated-law?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=202603 ordered to stop fundraising in NY http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-foundation-ordered-to-halt-activity-by-new-york-prosecutor_us_57f29146e4b024a52d301870
  4. those are all lies from the lamestream media afraid of the truth.
  5. reddit comments mostly call bullshit on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/55jywp/lawsuit_finds_millions_of_uncounted_bernie/ edit: i'm not saying there was no scam/fraud/cheat or whatever.. but this article doesn't really lay it out
  6. what is that website? everything on it is surrounded by click bait. is it reliable? what sources for that information?
  7. there's an episode of Ancient Aliens about the sasquatch... interdimensional time travelers :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh34Qh89_J4
  8. yes! my dad told me about this yesterday. basically, you can replace Hitler with Trump in the review. good times.
  9. jebus - we're so fucked if we hand over things to this guy https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/10/02/as-news-of-trumps-taxes-broke-he-goes-off-script-at-a-rally-in-pennsylvania/
  10. favorite? idk.. that's a stretch but it is fascinating for its weirdness
  11. interesting: IF YOU know that Donald Trump is ignorant, unprepared and bigoted, but are thinking of voting for him anyway because you doubt he could do much harm — this editorial is for you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-wrecking-ball-in-the-white-house-the-damage-trump-could-do-from-day-one/2016/09/30/1c69e9cc-85b5-11e6-a3ef-f35afb41797f_story.html?utm_term=.ce40c4251367
  12. i laughed and winced because i'm sure i've been that kid.. minus the "earn the win" t-shirt.. which kind of makes it for me.
  13. screen grabs of some of the comments on on the debate from leading white pride nazi scumbag site http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/even-stormfront-thinks-hillary-clinton-won-the-debate-1787121521
  14. half the people in Port St. Lucie look like that.
  15. a classic for me. i haven't listened to it in quite a while. listened to it endlessly in the 90s though. it's important to me for some shared experiences. part of why i haven't listened to it in a long time. but no doubt about it.. it was the thing that got me into autechre and a whole swath of other music and opened my eyes to a lot. it's pretty big banger home run for a 1st album imo.
  16. i really hope that thing on his head strangles him in his sleep. jokes and jokes and jokes and jokes. but really wtf.. this guy is awful. if every moderate reasonable person doesn't come out and vote they better stfu for the next 4 years.
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