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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ^^^ chair looks well farted it in... and.. a bit like.. home.
  2. new south park was tonight.. forgot that mr garrison wants to fuck everyone to death. seems relevant
  3. What's an "illegal"? Is that like someone who commits fraud and costs taxpayers money? winner winner chicken dinner.
  4. they're both saying a bunch of shit to win an election. as far as what trump wants??? who knows.. whatever helps trump the most. "make deals" every time he says this i laugh. i think he's an enormous asshole and i'm embarrassed he's even got a shot at becoming president.
  5. we should give the media guns and let them shoot each other.. .i hope they eat themselves soon
  6. you've seen the "take the oil" bit? video is at the link but text here too http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/donald-trumps-plan-for-the-middle-east-take-the-oil-1786358749 My favorite part came when Donald Trump was asked by a member of the audience how he’d stop the next ISIS from forming. Of course, we’ll likely never know the answer to the actual question, but Donald Trump did give us this:
  7. the tweet i nabbed the pic from said "this is either the poster for "Mr Robot Season 3" or "American Psycho the Musical". seems about right.
  8. i failed at a post. South Park episode.. "more crap" about biggest crap. measured in courics. http://southpark.cc.com/clips/1cgdy1/crap-verification so, if you're sitting around eating delivery chinese food you may have a shot at the record.
  9. oh man.. RIP. been there. find a grocery store that will deliver. on th eplus side you can probably make a run for the record dump.. i forget how many courics it was but you know.. south park.
  10. airports! fuckk... i used to smoke weed regularly.. sort of a precursor to doing anything.. that was 20 years ago.. also usually at night to help sleep... at some point it just made me feel like shit. paranoid and it would highlight any body pain or joint pain i was having. like a pointer in my body that would hone in on the hurting places and make me super aware of them. we have legal weed in oregon. i could probably get a medical card so i could get free weed from growers and also have access to the high end high potency edibles.. or pure CBD - no THC oils to smoke in a vaporizer pen... but why bother. all of it but the CBD would probably just make me miserable. also, i upgraded the HD in my puter and now a bunch of file paths to other drives are broken so i have to navigate to the directory by clicking my in from the top in order to save files that i've opened from with that drive! or i get a "error: could not save file because it doesn't exist" thanks OS X migration assistant. also, an ex GF of mine just keeps getting hotter and more appealing.
  11. too soon? probably RIP Gene. fucking hero.
  12. lmfao. "look at sean's face" meme in 3-2-1...
  13. yeah.. he's just so all over the place and his dumb one liners and focus on himself are just absurd. i've seen some things posted on reddit titled "If America sees this speech by Trump he'll win the election easily" and it's just him doing his same old dumb shit.. which just makes me think the person is mining for upvotes or is really dumb or sheltered and has never seen/heard a good speech. but all the stuff farage says is so sheathed in fascism and racism and anti-immigrant code i don't know how people didn't get it? maybe they did and it's what they liked about him? and then there's the "protest vote". hopefully enough of the bernie supporters see the writing on the wall and realize how far a trump win is away from their platform and they do the smarter thing and vote for hillary.
  14. it's easy to see how if farage was giving speeches all over the place for trump he could rally the troops. he's a much better speaker than trump. he's actually got enthusiasm and passion. scary to think about.
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