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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ignatius

    Now Reading

    me too. two bookmarks. there's a lot of great stuff in the footnotes.. some of them are quite long detailed side stories that are really relevant. especially near the end. i'd also recommend that when you get to the end of the book to go back and read the beginning again as it kind of closes the loop a little bit. the Pale King had its moments and i'm glad i read it but it was also hard to read as it was so promising and painful. also, the entire section about the podiatrist's neon sign that points one way or another and the people living in the apartment across the street would see it out their window and check before leaving the apartment to determine if indeed they should go out or stay in etc etc.. well.. that's pretty much what Beck said in an interview he gave to a magazine in the 90s. exact same fucking story about beck's life in LA. he lived next to podiatrist neon sign he could see out his apartment window. i even wrote DFW's editor to ask about it being in the book but got no response. if you like DFW it's worth reading all his stuff. Supposedly fun thing i'll never do again, Consider the lobster (has some of the most amazing non-fiction in it.. i was just glued to it and amazed that one of my fav things in it is a review of a book on grammar and usage), Oblivion (though it's pretty damn dark at times and kind of fucking floored me as it gets weirdly meta feeling at times especially reading it after he hung himself and knowing about his depression and the failure of his medication to work again after he tried to switch to a new medication with less side effects), Girl With Curious hair (aces really.. some really great short stories in this) yeah i'm kind of a DFW nut. his work really got me early on. "end of the tour" is actually pretty good movie as well. the book it's based on is good too. blah!
  2. ignatius

    Now Reading

    2 months later 200 pages in lol, oh boy. It's because of college though. This summer I'll read the whole thing. one of my fav books :) i'll probably read it for a 4th time this year. only gets better imo
  3. I'm a bit retarded I spelled in a previous comment "wattmers" instead of "watmmers". Why the posts only allow a limited number of edits? read the mf'n rules I read the rules already, but they do not explain "why" there is a limited time for editing only for members, they only states that but there isn't any particular explanation why It's a paid feature for EKT and EKT+. So capitalism is the reason until someone convinces ISP + web hosting companies to offer all their services for free.. yes. capitalism is the answer.
  4. ignatius

    Now Reading

    i was big kerouac fan for a while in my 20s and read a lot of his stuff. On The Road to me was more interesting later in the book but when i read it a 2nd time many years later i was pretty bored.. but it's one of those books that's more about what i thought about after reading it than what i thought about while reading it. fwiw i liked Darma Bums way more. something about the meditative nature of it appealed to me at the time. i haven't re-read that one though.. it's been a long time. Vanity Of Duluoz is very autobiographical and more or less a personal history of kerouac's life or at least a chunk of it. the language is fun and it's an interesting era of american history. if you want to get the vibe of the beat generation read the Neal Cassady biography The First Third about his first 30 years and you'll see where all that energy comes from (other than speed) cassady was the muse. btw.. the movie of On the Road with Kristen Stewart as Mary Lou is actually pretty decent. I thought it would totally suck and be just awful and who the fuck is this guy playing kerouac he sounds nothing like him etc etc.. but it ends up delivering the futile sadness of the friendships and the wanderlust vibe pretty well and kristen stewart to her credit goes for it pretty good as mary lou and it's a time when kerouac was younder and more optimistic than sullen alcoholic so is less dark. blah blah blah.. currently reading The Savage Detectives, Roberto Bolano. great at times. i read 2666 last summer and liked it but was blown away my the whole middle section which is 300 or so pages of retellings of police reports about women being murdered in mexico. wtf. read neal stephenson's SevenevS a while back. really loved it as is usual for me w/his books.
  5. clinton would hopefully beat drumpf. the media.. well, Fox news. is already saying drumpf is more "presidential" and pivoting a bit to widen his appeal.. they said this after one stupid speech where he didn't insult ted cruz by calling him lyin ted. yawn. what a bunch of assholes. a lot of republicans hate drumpf and would stay home or write in a 3rd candidate... but the election is a ways off still so we'll see what happens at the conventions and news drama between now and then. there's still plenty of time to fuck up.
  6. verbs tho my whole life is a lie. i can't remember ever feeling less of a grammar snob than this moment. edit: leaving up original post for shame.
  7. i'd recommend something on your shirt that doesn't end in a preposition. for example: "please don't tell me who the american president is, bitch"
  8. ignatius


    "Kim, you need to bang out another sex tape or we're gonna lose the gold toilets"
  9. this happens to me every year :/ the amount I owe back is increasing. shit needs fixing. i heard there's this law firm in panama where you can hide money... srsly though.. you need some deductions. have a kid or claim someone else's as a dependent. or round up all the free stuff from craigslist and take it to goodwill and get a tax deduction. what's crazy is the IRS auditing people. my friend got audited.. at the time he made like $20k a year or something and it turned out the IRS ended up owing him $75. So, they sent a guy out to spend 3 days going through all his records and in the end they paid him $75. makes sense. he said the auditor was super nice though.
  10. ipecac yourself it'll be a hoot. srsly though.. feel better i hope
  11. jesus christ. so fucking clueless about everything under the sun
  12. lol. googled autechre oversteps tour.. got this
  13. I have also thought of it in those terms, good to know i'm not alone that should have been asked about in AAA imo. also been listening to the album a lot these days someone sort of asked something like: "are there any tracks or albums that are just one of you? like - 'hey you write this one and i'll write the next one' if not would ever consider doing that?" answer was something like: "if there was we wouldn't tell but who's to say we haven't done that already"
  14. trump is too scary. he's the caricature we probably deserve though. it's craziness. this daily show piece is a tiny slice of his supporters but is quite funny. "the greatest show on earth" http://www.cc.com/shows/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah/cast/jordan-klepper/5zb52m/donald-trump--the-greatest-show-on-earth
  15. ugh. if the characters are all as stupid as the ones in Prometheus i'll skip it because it'll just fill me with rage. dumbest scientists in the galaxy. terrible characters. morans!
  16. obviously! i mean it says right on it!
  17. the bike i was planning to ride to work this morning had a flat tire so i had to ride a different bike that was not my first choice. ^^^^ sounds absurd in any context. and Fenton.. damn. i hope you get some support and can find a way to cope that is ultimately healthy and cathartic. heart goes out to you. can't imagine that situation. hugs to you man.
  18. keytar in the lap. this guy is a legend. what is that a 50 inch monitor?
  19. acoustic stuff is from GIKs acoustics. they're nice people. helped me fix some bass problems. made the studio when i refinished the basement. but it's just a room w/decent lights and acoustic panels. it doesn't have a floating floor anything like that. i need all the help i can get w/mixing. w/o basstraps i'd be fucked. after 20+ years it's nice to not have a studio in the kitchen or piled up next to my bed. http://www.gikacoustics.com/ imo, it's not too crazy packed w/gear though. MW XT, blofeld, NL 2X, G2 engine, Octatrack.. eurorack system, old PC laptop for whatever FX munging mackie mixer, yammy DX-11.. some old boss half rack FX and a TC D2 delay, 2009 Mac pro. RME fireface, lnyx aurora, unitor 8 for midi and stack of hard drives. i've gone through having too much gear and just having a computer and a sampler. i have a good relationship w/the gear i have now if that makes sense. i use it all. it's nice to focus on different things.. different working environments.
  20. currently making drum sounds i work at the muffwiggler store so shit happens. http://store.muffwiggler.com/
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