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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Let's just say that anyone who wants to become president is not normal and probably has some form of narcissistic personality disorder. Therefore it's all the more important to pick the candidate with the most continuity and authenticity, one that doesn't lie and one that has had the same agenda for ages and really wants to realise it. Not some former Republican that changes their policies based on opportunism.
  2. Congratulations! May I ask what kind of charity it is? I hope it's for autism
  3. Yes, it's a gamble but the potential reward is high, so is the risk. I think Sanders has tremendous populist competence, I believe he can beat Trump. Did you see his appearance in the town hall debate on FOX News a couple of months ago? Very selected audience and questions and unfair framing, he still managed to perform well and appeal to FOX News watchers. I can't see Biden do that. In 2016 the DNC picked the worst Dem candidate possible and still won the popular vote. Of course, Trump this time around has the advantage that he is campaigning from a position of being in office, historically that has proven to provide some advantage. But at the same time he had lots of time to prove what a piece of shit he is and how little he did what he said he would do. Wall etc. The probability of a Dem winning is high this time, so why not pick the one that has the best policies instead of strategically choosing a moderate without even exactly knowing if it really heightens the chances to win?
  4. But it's not about swinging Trump voters, it's more about achieving a high voter turnout. Biden can't really achieve that.
  5. Another thing to add: Having private property creates a lot redundancy. I guess it would be easily possible to halve the number of cars if they were public property.
  6. Fair point. I'm for creating more public spaces and communal property, as well. Maybe we have a slightly different idea of what richness means. I don't mind if someone has more than me. I just find it obscene to have people vegetating in the streets with bad health condition on one hand and some pricks flying around in private jets on the other. When I visited NYC it was shocking for me to see this kind of poverty and inequality on the streets revealed so plainly, wasn't really used to that
  7. The problem with these amounts of wealth is that it undermines democracy. It's non-elected power, often obtained through Machiavellian means. At a certain point money doesn't lead to much increase of life standard but is mere power. But we want to distribute power in different, democratic ways. I think nobody wants to abolish richness, only the kind of richness that makes you a political (f)actor.
  8. Oh man. AfD. So much to say about them. One of their bosses is the grand child of Hitlers finance minister. Lots of their party leadership is in direct lineage to the real Nazis who killed 6 million Jews. They get roughly 10%. It's been relatively stable for the past 3 years. It's a fairly new party, got strong in 2015 when a large refugee wave from Syria entered the country. The real danger isn't this party, the danger is the conservatives finally forming a coalition with them for maintenance of power since they are declining.
  9. You probably just didn't leave it in the oven for long enough which leads us to our earlier discussion in which we talked about time and temperature. Turns out you were wrong you little bitch
  10. http://angusnicneven.com/Terminal_999999
  11. I actually have some respect for his persistence even though I think sometimes he taps a tad 2 much into this old school kind of rhetoric that would have appealed to industrial workers of the late 19th century. I agree that using Marx' terms is probably a bad idea for campaigning in the US because for a lot of people on that side of the Atlantic it causes inconvenient chains of associations. Scares off or even offends people for some irrational reasons.
  12. China wasn’t communist under Mao... Plus this is a pretty silly discussion. Why even bring it up?
  13. Following up the tradition of me spamming this thread with slightly off-topic and/or troll-y remarks I'm gonna go ahead and say: Well done US, you finally got at least 2 politicians that aren't right-wingers. Sanders & Warren. I have huge hope that either gets picked as the nominee and ultimately wins the election. Fuck Trump.
  14. There are many examples of redistribution mechanisms from the bottom to the top. In the US one would be the exploitation of sickness through the pharma industry, especially in combination with the health insurance situation in that country
  15. I think there are structural redistribution mechanisms that justify phrasing it that way
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