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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Right? It doesn't stop baffling me how obviously fucked and corrupt the political system in the US is yet there are still people thinking it's the epitome of freedom and democracy. I feel bad for all Americans that they can't enjoy the advantages of the European systems (which of course are fucked the same way but to a lesser extend).
  2. Retardation is a medical condition and shouldn't be joked about or used pejoratively. It's something Hitler would do
  3. I wonder what kind of dirt Trump's team will dig out to smear Sanders when he gets the nomination. Maybe some of his sex texts from the 70s again?
  4. I will kill a puppy if you don't
  5. perkele
  6. Can someone explain to me what's wrong with the name? I mean, it's not a name that makes me think: "great, nice name", but, ya know, most bands have random words or word creations as names, who gives a shit. Venetian Snares arguably has the best artist name, though. I'm glad if I can remember a name and this one is definitely memorable
  7. Aw yeah that's what I'm talking bout
  8. Do you guys DANCE? What are your favourite DANCE MOVES? Show them
  9. Maybe they're trying to be cool and fresh and not release versions of the same style of music all the time? But agree that there are so many artists who would fit to Warp much better. Internet dorks who like 90s electronic music maybe isn't their target demographic?
  10. Got a new right leaning neoliberal local government replacing the left liberal one with the help of strategic votes from the far-right. Politics are gross
  11. sounds braindead in a good way
  12. there's actually a lot of people like that woman on the last page who don't wanna vote for an openly gay person. probably a bigger factor in his national chances than his lack of experience or whatever else. Dat's pretty stupid. Why did he say he's gay anyway? What relevance does that have? If people tell me they're gay I tell them that I don't give a shit. Oh you know, I dunno anything about anything so I am going to vote da fucking TTRRUUMMPP
  13. Yeah that butt guy won even tho he has "butt" in his name and is gay.... What does that say about American voters? Exactly, they're all gay
  14. Your post made ManjuShri cry. Let's get him, dissect him, and eat him
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