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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Perfavore, Roberto, perfavore!
  2. On the other hand it's not so much fun to say it's bcs Democrats are bad at governing and seeing dumb asses actually believing it and voting Trump
  3. Here are more tracks: https://boomkat.com/products/love-is-the-key-to-the-city I just don't like the sounds humans make with their voices in music. And I think recordings of string instruments played as samples are overrated. So this is not for me. But I must admit that some of the voice processing is pleasant. Love & Light
  4. I don't know, maybe it's the Russians? I've seen them in movies, they're bad people
  5. dear mr aphex if u read this pls send acid mr aphex we need u please send toe pics
  6. Maybe you're just a bad musician and that's why.
  7. It's good music but I wouldn't listen to it voluntarily. It would equal castration
  8. Coffee with cardamom and an incredibly thiccc layer of milk foam. Somehow it's weird to drink coffee with milk foam and cardamom but it works
  9. If Bernie doesn't get the nomination Trump will win. If it's Sanders vs Trump I can see Sanders win. Can you not? I think that the widespread claim Sanders is nice but can never win is a lie spread by respective interest groups to sabotage his campaign. He has better chances than Biden and Warren to win against Trump. And Trump has worse chances than he had the last election which he by popular vote lost. I think blind pessimism is unrealistic and doesn't help to evaluate the situation
  10. look how cold bloodedly the eagle swallows the snake alive which then slowly gets digested until it chokes and drowns in caustic stomach acid as it in pain squirms and writhes in a desperate and hopeless battle for life, for sheer existence
  11. lol, way too generic and pop like but I've certainly heard worse. I can see how this caters to Tesla fans (exclusively upper middle class man-child nerds working in media). They probably think it's cutting edge
  12. Use a proxy and make your booking website think you're in Bulgaria or something, makes prices go down. At least that's what I've heard
  13. Having diarrhea and constipation at the same time
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