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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Olives with pits usually taste better and Kalamata olives are the best. You did the right thing getting them And pitting them isn't hard Lazy fucks
  2. I got 2kg of carrots for 69 cents. What a deal! I had to cycle through a snowstorm to get them, though
  3. That's why I said that the middle class will be the descisive factor
  4. You mean there is no hope at all that society transforms into fairer forms? Humanity has been civilizing itself. If you look at history violence and death by starvation have decreased over the centuries, not only as a result of technological progress but also social/political progress. As soon as it becomes clear that everyone profits from a more or less fair society or at least one without poverty, more rich people will start working towards this. The most important factor will be the middle class though. A couple of decades ago there was still race segregation and women needed to ask their husbands if they are allowed to work and earn money. Unthinkable these days at least in major Western countries. So it's not that far fetched that we will continue debrutalizing in other fields as well which ultimately might lead into a form of society that could be described as communist or in its milder form socialist. But again, these are difficult terms as a lot of people associate economical failure and totalitarianism with them
  5. I don't consider it a dogma that humans are incapable of a non-competitive way of live. I think the way they are is shaped by the society they live in. That's why they are assholes. Never said that I think communism is the way to go, though. Market based socialism sounds fine to me. But that's another very broad term. I think that the impending crises will point the way and we have no choice but to rethink our ways of doing economy.
  6. Joyrex was paid by Amazon to say this. Damn Zuckerberg
  7. Yeah agree. But the several attempts on communism didn't result in communism. It can't just be conjured out of thin air. You need a wealthy society and a functioning political system that can gradually transform into more communist or communalist forms. It's a worthwhile civilising project broad in scope, the weakest and poorest countries are those least likely to succeed
  8. You probably actually can. It's time to utilize modern technology for what's really important
  9. They work but too slowly and the political will of the population is diluted by corporate influence and political power games. I think the two biggest motors of societal innovations will be: - ecological catastrophies that cause mass migration - mass unemployment through automatization Serious and large-scale development aid and a universal basic income could cushion some of the problems but won't fix them. I for example like the idea of asymmetric trade treaties that enables developing countries to sell their goods without customs but they are allowed to set as high customs as they like on foreign products. A sort of social protectionism for developing countriws
  10. But will it happen before we messed up the ecosystems? The ecological crisis is a good incentive to veer away from an almost solely profit based economy. I'm opposed to Marx' idea of a steplike social evolutionism and I'm not sure how to interpet the term revolution and if it's still viable to describe broad social paradigm shifts.
  11. I thought about this a lot. Isn't it logical that when our whole industry and production is automated and in the hands of only a few that those few just "clean" the planet using automated genocide? Except pretty women, they can be impregnated by huge robo dicks
  12. People who dislike communism don't know what communism is. Just google (or ecosia) it, man, innit Soviet socialism has not much to do with socialism in Marxist terms or in terms of the early pre-Marx socialists let alone with communism. By da way Marx saw capitalism as the logical predecessor to socialism which he saw as the logical predecessor to communism. And he said that a functioning socialist society can only evolve in highly developed wealthy (capitalist) countries. He wasn't so much a critic of capitalism as he was a capitalism analyst. But why always talk Marx when we also can talk Weber https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Weber
  13. In which kinda situations do you pull it out? Like when someone comes too close to you and you can press it at his throat and say something badass like "motherfucker"?
  14. Fuck off, Murakami is da man I like this simple style of writing. His story telling is finely composed and well paced. Economical I'd almost say. Da man doesn't need complicated sentences and longwinded descriptions. It's all simple and tidy but doesn't lack depth (at least for my shallow mind)
  15. Wanna buy illegal knives?
  16. Depends. If you smoke a sativa strain it can get you pretty gay. I fed it to my dog which made her a gay bitch
  17. www.nytimes.com/2019/12/09/world/europe/finland-prime-minister-sanna-marin.amp.html
  18. knives and bitches, right?
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