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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. 16 bit lossless? what a loser. I download the 24 bit wav and convert it to flac so i can listen to the 24 bit flac ?
  2. Yes, for sure it is. Also Jenoptik and the Zeiss factory attract people. I guess it's just very common that rural areas are more right than cities. Merry Christmas
  3. I often hear this cheesy saying: if you aren't a socialist when you're young you have no heart and if you are still a socialist when you're old you have no mind. I still doubt if it's true but it's a common conception. Well yes, maybe as a German I'm traumatised by our liberals who are complete fuck-ups. Here, the green party takes on the role of a social liberal party and that's partly why they have become so successful in the past months / years (apart from green policies becoming more popular these days). But this is a thread about Corbyn and I don't want to derail it, sorry
  4. Ooof, I know so many old leftists, a lot of them are successful economically. They didn't sell their souls to the conservatives (who in reality don't cause the general public to become wealthier, a common misconception and a successful self-marketing of theirs). And if the British Lib Dems are anything like the German FDP (self titled liberals who are in fact neoliberals), then you make a bad choice. Because 90% of the people would be worse off if all those market liberal ideas the so-called liberals propose actually get implemented: No minimum wage, gradually replacing a tax-financed pension system with a private pension scheme based on private investments into stocks, cutback of employment protection, fewer worker's rights (to give companies more "freedom", they're liberals after all, lol), privatise everything that should be a common good and make it so pricey that not everyone can afford it and therefore split the society even further and create a fertile soil for right-wing populists, and so on. Great Real (social) liberals are welcome, though. But those phoney assholes that only want to promote deregulation of markets can fuck off. Only very few profit from their policies, no matter if old or young. Unfortunately they often utilise some social liberal ideas to catch voters, but their agenda is a different one
  5. Okay, let's shame this guy for his opinion some more You compare Ae who you think is overly complex with minimalist modern art? Are you daft???? MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!
  6. You know Jena? It always surprises me that a not so large city like Jena attracts so many international people. A haven of reason and sanity in the right-wing swamp Thuringia has become
  7. A bit long-winded, but good article
  8. I have no clue. In my experience those who label themselves as democratic socialists are in fact social democrats. And those who label themselves as social democrats are in-the-closet conservatives/centrists. But I don't know Corbyn well enough
  9. I like craft beers but I think I prefer more traditional sorts of beer. Black beer is very common here and I will enjoy a Köstritzer from the local brewery later. Nothing too fancy. Tastes very full-bodied and silky, almost sweet. Goes along very well with venison dishes. Before pils was invented virtually all beers were black beers.
  10. Been there. Just don't smoke so much. If you after 2 weeks of abstinence smoke a big bong hit of finest flower it feels so good. Music sounds so good when you're high. But if you smoke everyday from morning until evening it can make you depressive and you don't really enjoy weed anymore and don't get an actual high. It's somewhat hard to resist to smoke when you have a big bag laying around but it's a good exercise in self discipline and once you developed a healthy relationship to weed it starts seeming absurd to smoke bongs early in the morning. Like as if it's the last thing you wanna do after waking up
  11. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12295956&fbclid=IwAR3VzrLrtWQlIhO1bL2C36uQsD3Zh_W1Dlmlts1NGbOLUkvAg0OTdSWD7Cs 'This is mass rape': China slammed over programme that 'appoints' men to sleep with Uighur women
  12. It looks interesting from above. Very alien and unusual landscape. I wanna go to Canada, too. You're lucky living in Canada when it comes to hiking
  13. I wasn't sarcastic, I really wanna go to Iceland. Expressing aversion about a place means that you respect it
  14. Nice! I spent about 4 hours total in Iceland. The airport is pretty boring. But in the airplane I read a shit ton of those advertisement flyers for Iceland. Seemed all a bit expensive for some shitty island with not much on it except horses, geysers and elves. A friend studied there for a year. All he told me is that he ate 1kg of raw salmon and had to vomit. I wanna go to Iceland, too
  15. ^I read one or two of the books, I remember that I liked them. the trailer looked pretty retarded but I might give it a try. can't be worse trash than star wars
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