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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. You got me addicted to it, too. It's a genius song
  2. The difference to previous industrial revolutions is that no new markets are opened, or at least only to a small extent, but mainly that existing markets are made more efficient. Dull, algorithmic work is automated where it is financially worthwhile. This mainly affects middle class jobs. Asparagus cutters will continue to exist for a long time because they only receive starvation wages and it would be too expensive to replace them with machines. So there will be mainly social jobs and hard underpaid physical work. There will also be a few big data analysts, extremely good programmers (the mediocre ones can be replaced by AIs that can program) and virtual reality designers, but very few. The answer to the arising problems and mass unemployment is a universal basic income. It doesn't matter if you like this idea.
  3. It's important to type that out in pink letters, yeah. But are you a news reporter or some shit? You always just post things other people posted already. It basically reflects how a lot of our news outlets work: They copy & past shit without adding any new insight. But in comparison to you they don't even mention their source.
  4. I prefer Irish but I understand the sentiment
  5. If you use the letter S in box brackets it will cross out everything that's written after it as if BB codes were still working. Weird
  6. Sounds good to me. Relieve the middle class and lower class instead of the upper class.
  7. It sounds so fluid that it seems effortless which disguises the fact that probably a lot of intricate programming went into making it
  8. No, in Europe during the financial crisis. But as people like Sanders are oriented towards European social democracy and want to contain the financial economy it isn't irrelevant to mention here. And unless you think that it's impossible that more left leaning democrats could become president it isn't extremely unlikely that such a model would gain acceptance and eventually comes out on top. You are right that it seems rather unlikely right now but it's definitely not impossible. Remember that a lot of what seemed utopian a couple of decades ago is now reality
  9. financial transaction tax: - reduce high-frequency trading - make investments into real economy more worthwhile and therefore create more jobs - finance social politics
  10. Contaminating opponents with radio active material is common praxis. The Stasi did it here in Germany until 30 years ago, which despite having existed within a different regime is in direct tradition to the Nazis a lot of which were employed by American secret services. It's an old trick with a long tradition.
  11. Well, their income loses value every month and they become poorer and poorer because of the sanctions. And airstrikes and destruction of infrastructure in the country wouldn't help them or only damage the government but not the people. The idea is to starve the population to destabilise the country which is a very brutal approach. But I admittedly have no idea how this problem could be solved.
  12. The Iranian regime is disgusting and deserves to be eradicated and I would prefer US/Israeli hegemony in that region over the Iranian one. But as of yet the victim of the aggressive politics towards Iran is the Iranian population most of which hate their government. And the Trump administration has no interest to protect the Iranian population from their government or consider them at all because they are a bunch of irresponsible racists.
  13. Yes, that was kind of my point. An invasion just doesn't make sense economically. Things might change when certain military technology evolves but that's sheer speculation and nobody knows how long that would take
  14. Iraq is a mostly flat desert land, Afghanistan didn't have a lot of military power and the topography there was already causing lots of troubles. Iran on the other hand is gigantic with lots of mountains and has two competent armies and lots of highly trained people and lots of arms. The sheer size of the country makes an invasion extremely costly. Such a war would drag on for many years and cause lots of deaths on both sides with the current military technology. It's not comparable to the Iraq and Afghanistan war, it would be even more terrible. I guess the game is to weaken Iran's standing in the world even further and cause a regime change. If that doesn't work then maybe there will be weapons that could make this war easier for the US in the future. I'm thinking sort of ultra precise highly specialised drone swarms, like described in this article: https://warontherocks.com/2019/02/drones-of-mass-destruction-drone-swarms-and-the-future-of-nuclear-chemical-and-biological-weapons/
  15. I'm worried about the Iranian population. They're decent people The agitation and war propaganda against Iran has intensified for a while now. I imagine a war in a country with such a complex topography particularly difficult, time consuming and dirty. No one could win it
  16. I was taking into account the adding of toppings ?
  17. Yeah true lol. If we only had known it already 40+ years ago, we could have taken precautions. But that would have meant less short-term profits for the richest 0.1%
  18. What caused the bushfires, though? Probably the same way of doing economy Trump represents How convenient that they attacked Saudi-Arabia, A+ reason to invade them
  19. It's not because of the bull-headedness of the current leaders, it's a long-term strategy that didn't start with Trump
  20. Why does the US even want to destroy even more countries? Must be fun to do that
  21. Best part of this style of pizza is that it's done in 3 minutes
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