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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. There must be some advantage to the avocados we get here in Western Europe. I've been told by South Americans that they're a bad parody of the real thing they can pick from trees everyday there and I believe them, but even a suboptimal aligator pear is still a better butter fruit than no avocado
  2. I love Quesadillas but your Guacamole for some reason terrifies me, it reminds me on a reoccurring nightmare about myself wrestling with my own body liquids Please don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad thing
  3. U thought wrong, it's exactly as I tell u
  4. It's because they don't cure it long enough only because then it doesn't taste exactly as the stuff you can buy at the supermarket for a third of the price. Society is a scam!
  5. Chips as in crisps or as in french fries? Damn English language in its various forms Ok I googled it. Honestly looks like I want to shove it into my mouth hole
  6. If you mean me you are misled. Gouda is the cheapest cheese here and the Riesling cost me 2.50€ But wtf are triple cooked chips
  7. Riesling, Gouda, roasted black bread rubbed with garlic
  8. But he has a different opinion than me! He is a bad person
  9. Yeah, young people are more easily impressed. Still, to me it does sound extremely structured and thought out. Maybe it's just my brain projecting order onto the chaos but somehow I think there actually is a lot of structure be it a bit more elaborate than in the old days. Seen them in '16 and it blew my mind
  10. Honestly seems pretty arrogant that you trace your personal preferences to a higher level of experience and maturity.
  11. I don't see overcomplexity in their newer work, just a logical evolution of their older stuff and it's developing exactly into the right direction. Maybe you appreciate their 90s stuff more because you were young at that age plus it's a lot more accessible and followable. Would be a shame if they still made the same kind of tracks
  12. The problem with US hegemony is that the alternatives to it seem even worse. We're basically doomed
  13. Putin would maybe be a better US president than Trump lol
  14. True. I also didn't think he'd be elected in the first place. Also I did not believe Brexit would come. I'm pretty bad at such predictions
  15. If this nutjob gets reelected (or anyone of his party) the end has come. But somehow I'm very optimistic regarding the upcoming elections. I think the Republicans surpassed a degree of insanity that the American people will no longer accept (at least most).
  16. That's very responsible of you. Now is the time to tell me
  17. Thanks, any more suggestions? I wish I knew what you posted
  18. This kind of techno is almost as pretentious as the people making it but still better than radio pop.
  19. Currently trying to get fired but it's not so easy
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