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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Surfing at 64kb/s and pondering why Germany has been having a conservative government for 14 years now which failed to provide the digital infrastructure I'd need. It's the economically most successful yet in many fields one of the least developed countries in Europe. Did you say "trousers" because you're talking to a Brit or is it used in Canadian English, too?
  2. Chicago is pretty good The other ones are also good Very good
  3. Poor guy. He should migrate to Sweden or Denmark rather than the US, tho.
  4. Yeah Second Woman is great. Somewhere between SND and AE
  5. The jury system always seemed weird to me. How do regular people without any education or competence on the topic of law decide on a suitable verdict (especially considering the non-intuitive nature of lawfulness)?
  6. xox' right. mine are already a bit too spread out. yours are miles apart, must sound like two mono systems
  7. 80 Hz is one of my fav frequencies, please never overcompensate on it!
  8. No MIDI controller yet ^lol, just noticed naked guy in the background
  9. Wish I could have a Golden Gaytime with you
  10. After moving I have to wait until fourth of November until my internet connection can be activated. And that even though I want all my desires to be fullfilled immediately. How dare they
  11. those look very bizarre
  12. I'm really enjoying this right now, great structures and textures
  13. thank you for recording your process. very interesting to see
  14. Most stoners I know are successful. I know a doctor and several law school graduates who smoke almost everyday. And a lot of people who have normal jobs and lives that use weed to relax. And I know people who haven't achieved much in life because they are depressive but don't smoke weed. You're basically describing the symptoms of depression, which is an illness where weed probably is the treatment not the cause. Those "losers" that you know who smoke weed everyday might be (consciously or unconsciously) self-medicating.
  15. The alternative to an elbow capitalism is a capitalism that's tamed by social politics.
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