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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. How does that refute anything? It's just baseless claims. Countries like Belarus, North Korea and South Sudan signed a letter in which they praise China for its achievements in the field of human rights and shrug off putting the Uyghurs into internment camps as a necessary antiterrorism measure. That doesn't prove anything. What about this letter moved you to type "UN report refuting Xinjiang genocide theory"? That's clearly very misleading and not at all what the document is. I wonder if you missed that or if you were intentionally misleading
  2. a pizza steel is better
  3. Don't think I haven't noticed your chic blue vintage oven, wouldn't have guessed it's from the 50s though. Mine is from the 90s and it sucks, with early ceran stove that takes ages to heat up and the oven itself has lots of hot spots and generally a very uneven temperature distribution. But it does its job and I'm thankful that God has created technology
  4. this is pretty cool. rich and dense and has really interesting sound design. some dope changes and transitions in there seriously, it's great
  5. The fact that we have to explain him how to prepare frozen pizza...
  6. Aren't you annoyed by your own profile picture?
  7. I've tried often to talk some sense into that guy but he simply won't listen
  8. Yeah, whatever, maybe I was wrong about the baking paper part. But my point stands, you don't need any of that.
  9. If it has a lot of toppings that could fall off or liquids that could drip off, use a baking paper, but most frozen pizza doesn't do that, so you can leave out the paper and allow air to circulate around the dough so it gets crispy and not mushy. Baking paper is your second choice because it can take on some of the liquid from the dough. Tinfoil can't do that so the crust gets mushy, inevitably.
  10. You don't need baking paper for frozen pizza. It's not necessary
  11. Just don't use tinfoil or a baking sheet. Put the pizza directly on the rack.
  12. This is a bullshit process. You waste sauce if you put tinfoil on your pizza toppings, especially when the pizza is upside down, and you waste tinfoil of course. Just put your frozen pizza directly on the rack and don't waste precious tinfoil any longer. You waste sauce and tinfoil and it's irritating to think about. Stop that.
  13. If you thought the toppings would fall off... why did you do it anyway?
  14. That too, from time to time. And other than that, hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd or critic. ?
  15. Sounds quite paradisiac to me. What would Karl Marx have thunk about that?
  16. Dunno, I thought it means various traditional styles from all over the world (or mixes of trad styles), or even local pop music from places that don't have much influence on pop culture and non-Western places, or music from all sorts of genres that has strong influence from traditional styles. Western world music would be folk music, I guess. Hip Hop in Spanish language isn't world music.
  17. But there was virtually no unemployment! @cyanobacteria is an American phenomenon.
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