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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. It should be pretty easy to pickle your own. Just bring asian white vinegar, salt and sugar to a boil, fill peeled garlic gloves into a jar and pour the liquid over it. Seal. Et voilà, pickled garlic. Halve the gloves before pickling them so the size is more similar to that of actual Thai garlic. Not sure how different our garlic is from Thai garlic, I guess it's just bigger but tastes the same
  2. None of us really knows what it means to be a bus driver in this day and age. There is a lot of traffic to navigate and a schedule to stick to. It's a demanding job
  3. He should have let you on then. Is there no honour amongst bus drivers anymore?
  4. Maybe he didn't notice you? Only because he had one bad day doesn't mean he is a bad bus driver.
  5. This is pretty good. All that panning stuff is very well done and everything keeps constantly morphing and evolving. I like it (Listened to first two tracks)
  6. Obrigado por as mulheres excoticas! Muy caliente! Sorry my Spanish isn't that good I like pizza tho
  7. Is it okay to use finely diced ginger at a push?
  8. Greenland is the only part of Denmark that hasn't got any lobbying? No lobbying in Norway?
  9. not enough snares. wtf is this shit
  10. Where does good end and bad start? What are some "bad" decisions you'd intentionally make? Does that relate to music theory? If I tried to make a bad track I would probably just make harsh noise with a really nasty tonal balance limited to the maximum so it's unlistenable and harmful for the ear. Can't get any worse than that.
  11. Yes, the software/hardware/instrument you are using allows you to explore their particular world of sound and can lead you into new territory. Maybe into territory that you couldn't imagine before & couldn't have been able to come up with yourself out of nothing. Totally agreed I'd still like to have some brain computer interface that allows to directly create music from my mind. Would be fun yeah that makes sense. overthinking stuff generally leads to headaches and takes the fun out of things
  12. I'm sceptical about this "the process is more important than the outcome" approach. What would be the point of the process of music making if there was no music in the end? I'd gladly give up the process of making music if it was possible to just create it in your head and then it's magically there. I'd prefer that
  13. Masterpiece: stolen from this post^
  14. YouTube tends to push you into extremes. Click something remotely right-wing and you get videos by Holocaust deniers, click on something remotely leftwing and you get Stalinist conspiracy theories. I wish you could customise the algorithm in some way
  15. You printed it mirror-inverted idiot
  16. Maybe it's his piss cups? In that case it's unlikely any mould could survive
  17. You guys take excellent photos, just sayin @brian trageskin
  18. I think your brain is broken or something
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