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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. dingformung


    A masterpiece, super original and unique track
  2. These idiots don't know there is a world outside of their mother's womb. Their skulls look oddly human
  3. They will send out swarms of AI controlled drones who measure the antibody profile of every biological organism around them and automatically annihilate everyone who has received a bio marker by the government disguised as a Covid-19 vaccination
  4. Typical pictoresque Portuguese ice cream. Beautiful!
  5. I like Last Step, too. It's basically 7/4 acid. But there are Last Step tracks where he also sings, lol
  6. I didn't know racism is that harmless. I like racism now
  7. His singing sucks, lol. But his older releases are great and a lot of fun. I have no way of knowing how seriously he takes himself but he does have a lot of very corny moments, I give you that. I kinda stopped following him at some point because he sang too much. Breakcore + singing is the most tasteless thing ever, which I guess is the point, I still hate it His drum breaks are dope, though, and his music constantly entertaining. I perceive other breakcore as a shittier version of Venetian Snares.
  8. What need is there for breakcore beyond Venetian Snares? He has covered all relevant breakcore styles and is better than all other breakcore makers combined. Xanopticon is alright too, I guess, but haven't listened in a long while How is taking breakcore seriously different from taking IDM seriously? IDM is basically a gayer less self-ironic version of breakcore, at least I always thought of it that way.
  9. Bombing a bunch of brown people in the Middle East with "black lives matter" rockets - American humour.
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