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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Too bad brutalist architecture is so expensive because lots of components have to be custom made for every building etc., and therefore isn't done much anymore but it's definitely the coolest style of architecture
  2. Build a nail file. Break something and use the rough side. Gently stroke ur nails in one direction. Wear out your nail, layer by layer, until it's gone and you don't have any nails any longer. Stop having nails
  3. Porsche only displays that you have the plebeian taste of the lower classes. You should get something classy like a Rolls Royce
  4. Sure, but state bureaucracy is the (watered down) will of the electorate while in the private sector more often than not it is mere social darwinism, if not regulated (and regulation means bureaucracy)
  5. You think women are aspirational objects that can only be obtained by exploiting the proletariat and the means of production?
  6. That's an entirely ideological assumption. By the way, I love bureaucracy. It means things are planned out and thought through and not just left to chance and the "competence" of people
  7. Thanks, seems you can get those for as little as 50€, thought about tapping into analogue photography (mostly because of the shenanigans you can do during the developing process)
  8. Yeah, this is accurate. Zeiss lenses, though.... ooof. I wanna lick them. But Samyang makes also great manual lenses of similar quality that cost a fraction of the price
  9. I think the US is economically strong enough and competent enough to pull it off either way, through a mixed or through a single payer system. The fact that a single payer system doesn't work well in poor, authoritarian countries with lots of political and economic disruptions is far from being an indicator that it wouldn't work in the US.
  10. True, that doesn't mean that a single payer system is worse than a mixed system per se. The US could definitely build a really excellent single payer system, if there was the political will to do it.
  11. For most usages medium format cameras are probably worse than regular DLSRs, just a bit cumbersome, but they produce ultra high res photos because they have a huge sensor, with virtually no visible noise, even if you crank up the ISO. Usually the digital ones make pictures with many many pixels so you can zoom in and use only a tiny detail of the picture and still have it in acceptable resolution . Nodboy really needs them, though, I guess, except for very specific usages
  12. They aren't even that comfy but yeah, stylish. I love Bauhaus influenced design (check out Wilhelm Wagenfeld). I think you can get replicas for ~1500€, still a lot for a chair lol
  13. I think you might have experienced a lot lately and your brain runs a bit hot processing this stuff, slowly driving you insane. the insanity will soon eat you from the inside until you are a mere shadow of your former self
  14. I dreamed that I saw very bright light and clouds and as my eyes adapted to the brightness and the clouds split I expected to see God or something but instead I saw Joe Biden and he walked towards me and he took me by the hand and guided me up a stairway into the light as he whispered into my ear: "It's okay, let it happen." and a warm wave of relief went through my whole body as we walked into the light.
  15. It's the typical American thing of turning everything into a show
  16. Yeah, Bernie fucked up his messaging a ton. Like AOC, he's catnip for certain voters who are already converted. We're looking at an election that's won in the margins, so there are certain topics to be avoided. One of them is intersectionality related stuff. You would also say Sanders is cute? He is kinda cute to be honest
  17. Would you say the same thing if she was old and male (while saying and doing the exact same things she does now)?
  18. But she would damage the progressive movement and her own credibility on the long run if she blindly endorses Biden without any reluctance. It just shows that she is honest and not an opportunist.
  19. Spoken like a typical white supremacist. In your next post you will probably controvert that, which only is further proof for your moral degeneracy. You can't fool me
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