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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. You believe in race theory?
  2. Yeah but pigeons don't have much food anymore. Other birds can fall back on other sources of food but pigeons are dependent on food waste on the streets.
  3. And we need Europol to solve the Mafia problem ?
  4. I like this one more than the older ones
  5. You have a very stylish workplace. I like this little patterned table on the right and obviously the dog
  6. Euro nationalism is the best nationalism in the world. All other nationalisms suck
  7. Very well said and probably is the crux of the matter.
  8. Yeah that's something that's discussed. Do we need a European finance minister? Something Macron is really into, which should make you suspicious, but a difficult matter
  9. No, this wasn't my main argument, as I stated a couple of times. As you can see I didn't accuse Italians in general but do you really disagree that the Italian Mafia is very powerful and influences politics and politicians? The whole vegetable industry of Europe is based on human trafficking and slave work, lots of it happens on Italian ground organized by the various Italian criminal organizations, who pimp refugees. They kill people, they produce and distribute child pornography etc. Somehow when Arabic clans do stuff like this it's evil but we tend to look away when our own European friends have a problem with this stuff. Corruption definitely is an argument. Don't underestimate it. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/20/tomatoes-italy-mafia-migrant-labour-modern-slavery
  10. But what does that have to do with corona bonds? Who claimed that all countries behaved correctly all the way through? I agree with your stance that richer countries like Germany should be more generous especially in times like these, especially considering that they are the biggest profiteers of the EU. I'm just worried that corona bonds don't lead to the effects you wish for and on the long run lead to more European disintegration rather than to more European integration. Things that sound good from a moral perspective and look good on paper don't necessarily translate as well into reality as you might hope.
  11. The most appalling thing is that a great deal of Americans like what he does
  12. As far as I understand it, there weren't enough supplies at the beginning because large contingents were sent to China before. All I'm saying is, Italy does receive help during the crisis and will receive help when the pandemic is contained and it needs economical aid, no matter how much Salvini yells that the EU betrays them, but of course there could be done more I bet, and should be. The question was if corona bonds will on the long run cause more damage than they are good, which is likely, as far as I can see it (but I'm prone to erring). Can't you see the possible political disruptions it could cause?
  13. I looked at it for 6 hours so far
  14. what the fuck is that bird thinking drinking so irresponsibly? it's very unhealthy
  15. Right. But how is that "throwing under the bus"? When there weren't enough supplies the non-existing supplies couldn't be sent to Italy and now that there are supplies they are sent to Italy. How is that "throwing under the bus"?
  16. There is a paywall to that article but what you have quoted is inaccurate. Germany is right now sending respirators, medical supplies and doctors to Italy despite it having given lots of medical supplies to China when the whole thing started and because of that is having a shortage, too, right now. Also, patients from Italy are transferred to Germany for treatment. https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Deutschland-nimmt-Patienten-aus-Italien-auf-article21664769.html https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/corona-hilfen-italien-101.html fuck Salvini
  17. Who proposed throwing anyone under the bus? Of course there has to be mutual help and solidarity. I'm just not sure if corona bonds are the way to do that. I already explained that it can a) potentially lead to a paradox effect and b) help right wing parties. And we are at a critical point regarding the global right shift right now.
  18. I think it's smart not to allow the corona bonds. It would strengthen the right wing parties in Western Europe, who are finally about to disassemble themselves, also as a result of their poor judgement, ludicrous statements and their incompetence in the Corona issue. The creditworthiness of countries that are already indebted would improve if all EU countries were jointly liable, and therefore theoretically lead to more favourable terms for bonds for indebted countries. At the same time, the reliance on corona bonds could also be seen as an indicator of poor creditworthiness, and thus have a paradoxical effect, which is not necessarily likely but definitely something to consider. Ultimately, richer countries would probably have to bear the overall burden in the end, without being able to have the slightest say in the financial policies of the beneficiary countries, and that for a long, long time, for years and years to come. That would destroy the political landscape of the not profiting countries and resurrect right-wing parties. Instead, the countries concerned should be helped through other, more targeted channels (which incidentally also happens but is not mentioned in the media too much). I am not a friend of Merkel, but she has the right attitude on this question. The sad thing is that old stereotypes and nationalisms are reviving, especially in Italy (which has a problem with nationalism anyway). For example, Tullio Solenghi, a well-known Italian comedian, says: “The Germans provoked the First World War, the Germans provoked the Second World War. The Germans exterminated 6 million Jews in the gas chambers and the Germans who still have this ruthless arrogance today in economic terms but always to consider themselves a superior race, still feel superior today ". And someone tell me again that the Dutch are undiplomatic, lol (even though I’m aware that it’s a difference if a Comedian or an official says stuff like this). On the other hand, Italians are accused of not being able to handle money and being corrupt. A not very far-fetched accusation if we are being honest. Much of the money would surely go to Cosa Nostra, 'Ndrangheta, Camorra and Sacra Corona Unita and so on. It’s not all that far-fetched and scandalous to come to the conclusion that help should be given through different, more controlled and safe channels that don’t endanger the overall political climate of whole Europe.
  19. This shows very little understanding of the modern world. Not surprising at all. Caze has repeatedly proven to have a limited understanding of the modern world.
  20. It's time for an extended session of ass sucking
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