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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Would be sad if that person didn't intend to sound like BOC or even knows or listens to BOC, and yet only gets seen from a perspective of how good or bad they imitate BOC
  2. Ejizzculate - losing semen in a sophisticated and academic but also casual and cool way
  3. Maybe they kept releasing music under a different name but none of us noticed yet? Just to get rid of these pesky BOC fanboys, you know, building a new, better fanbase somewhere else? Maybe they even changed their style as to not get recognised
  4. Completely wrong. As we all know music and art in general is nothing but a service industry and should please paying customers
  5. Even the cum is cumming at you, cumming cum cum You are cum, cum some cum, drink cum In other words: Very cool cum and cumming cum, the cum cums into a huge cum with cum of cumming cum, really cum and cum
  6. Maybe they don't like their fans. Can't blame them
  7. It's the best country in the world after all
  8. I've heard that rubbing against an angry mob of cops has a sterilising effect. Very hygienic
  9. Well, ACU is evaluating these things within the American debate space, which by itself is shifted far to the right, in global comparison, so getting 13% means you're very conservative. Yes, this is about US politics, but I'd advise you to not miss the bigger picture. I'm sorry if I hurt your national pride, lol
  10. Yeah add some effects on the melody between 1:20 and 2:20. Rather than panning it to the right I'd leave it in the centre and make it branch out to the sides with some stereo effects. But fuck these kind of suggestions
  11. I'm a marine biologist and I think of politicians in a global context. Obama's foreign policy was definitely not left leaning and even though I appreciate that he meant the end of Bush and maybe pushed some lukewarm social reforms, it was all in all pretty conservative politics and I don't expect much more from Biden.
  12. Experts estimate his level of conservatism at around 12.67% I'm sure he will continue Obama's rather conservative politics Thank you for your attention
  13. When did he do anything that didn't make him look like a stereotypical conservative? He isn't even faking it.
  14. Yes, they are idiots but I think not on same level as Trump supporters which are either mental disability level dumb or evil
  15. That's a terrible position to be in. Wish him all the best. But no symptoms for 9 days sounds like a good sign.
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