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Everything posted by Hk47

  1. How many times did he use the word 'romance' in that review?
  2. All of the tracks are pretty intense... But the closing tracks on each session are such great closers... I love the way they organized everything...
  3. https://fismusic.bandcamp.com/album/from-patterns-to-details
  4. Hmm... Right after Untilted was released, I got new neighbors... We lived in an apartment that was set up like a duplex, so I heard everything through the walls. They were so loud and so annoying and we did not get along at all... I also happened to work 3rd shift at Waffle Houseat the time, and one night, I was sick of their crap, so I turned my radio up, moved the speakers against the wall and left LCC on repeat the whole 10 hours I was at work. I didn't hear much out of them after that... =D
  5. Hk47

    elseq 1-5

    Yes, yes, poor spelling and wrong terminology. I suck. Sorry to cause such a controversy. =P I was listening to feed1 while falling asleep last night and heard some sounds I hadn't noticed previously. Love how AE songs can keep opening up even after years of listening to them. And I know it's been said (even by me) already, but it's kind of crazy how one's perception of an Autechre album can change quite a bit after they release new material. I already loved elseq, but after the NTS Sessions, I love it even more. I'm enjoying certain songs more than I did previously... Different sections of songs are standing out... I'm getting attached to different sounds throughout the whole collection of tracks... <geeking out> Fuck I love Ribby and Sealy.
  6. Holy crap! I can't check this out just yet, but I'm looking forward to watching this later on today. Thank you so much for making/sharing this! =D
  7. Hk47

    elseq 1-5

    I don't even know what that means. Don't like... 98% of the people on this board enjoy those two tracks? They're brought up all the time... I just assumed that everyone knew that those two tracks were obvious bangers... =P Sorry... didn't mean to confuse... curvcaten is an awesome closer to elseq 1... and chimer 1-5-1 is a great track to throw into the middle of elseq 2... I really can't name one track throughout all of elseq and the NTS Sessions that I don't like or haven't clicked with at some point in time... Both collections are such great mind-tripping journeys. Crazy that the duo were able to release 12 hours of music that's this mind-blowingly amazing over the course of 2 years (I know they worked on it for longer than that... but... I highly doubt any other artists out there could have released such a massive collection, that's this fucking great - even if given 10+ years) Maybe I'm just an obsessed Autechre fanatic... I dunno... But all of this blows my mind.... Add in AE_Live and it's even more amazing... <deep breath> So fucking lucky to be alive right now...
  8. This^^^ In fact - I think I might love elseq even more after hearing these NTS Sessions... =D And I think elseq really helped me enjoy these Sessions more as well... they play off of each other incredibly well.
  9. Hk47

    elseq 1-5

    =X I thought that and feed1 were sort of give-ins
  10. Hk47

    elseq 1-5

    It took about 6 months for eastre to grow on me, but once it did... it became a standout track. I love it... Hell... I love all of elseq. Even more so since the NTS sessions...
  11. Hk47

    elseq 1-5

    This (along with 7 slip) is my favorite track across all of elseq... Fucking insane... I love it so much.
  12. This is... REALLY fuck'n awesome so far. I'm only about halfway through NetWorks 4 - but I'm totally diggin it. Thank you for sharing!
  13. Agreed Obel, you are correct and handsome. You are both completely insane, that's the best track on session 3 =P One of my favorites across the whole series... Actually - there's not one track I would take out if I was making a playlist... the whole 8 hours is magnificent. =D I listened to Session 4 while falling asleep last night... and really loved it. More than the first couple times I heard it. I was so focused on the music, it kept me up. But after it was over, I had some pretty good sleeps. Session 4, like the 3 before it - is a fucking. beast. This entire collection of tracks is... mind-blowing. Just... mind. blowing. If I'm not still listening to this in 50 years, it's because I'm already dead. =P
  14. I totally agree with the soundboards and US tour... I missed them last time they were here (was really hoping I could make it, but work got in the way) - actually I've missed them every time they came to the US... I need to experience AELIVE!!!
  15. Alright... taking a break... After listening to this from t1a1 through mirrage... this is... I'm... At a loss for words. What a fucking mind-blowing release. Seriously... the progression and flow of all of the tracks is... perfect. And the last 2 hours being ambient... is... I... Fuck. Just... Fucking hell. What an amazing release. I wish I knew someone in base-reality that was a fan of any type of electronic music. I want to share this with people... =X AHHHHHH!!!!! Fuck! <deep breath> Okay... okay... Time to lay in bed and listen to the last hour and a half... ... Fuck me what an achievement...
  16. Shit is getting weird here, fellas. It wasn't weird when pegging was brought up? (not that there's anything wrong with pegging... personally, I'd rather be DP'd by Rice and Sugar) But spanking is where you draw the line? =P l3 ctrl... each time I listen to it, it seems to open up more and more... it's crazy how dense some of these tracks are. ** Fuck, alright, yeah... I bought up double penetration... I need to close the internet...
  17. Oh, don't tease me... I'll never shut up about it. =P Fuck I love what they've turned spTh into with debris_funk. It's so incredibly menacing. And placing it after the beautiful bqbqbq... The placement and flow of all of these songs across all of the sessions is magnificent. It's mind-blowing that they were able to do such a thing across all 8 hours of music...
  18. Translation work is not the topic to be discussed here. Follow the rules. I demand a little more discipline. <mouth zipped shut> Sorry... I drink - I break rules... <disconnecting>
  19. Crap - what an amazing end to an amazing collection of music!!! Ahhh!!! Alright... time to start everything from the beginning... working on some translation work, looks like the 8 hours will have quite the soundtrack. =D I'm really glad they ended it like they did.
  20. =( I don't know what to say... I've only listened to the first hour... I mean... I love them. They're fantastic... But... Bittersweet, I guess. =/ I am curious how they'll put end all on vinyl. It's suck to have one song spread across 3 sides. Not that it'll effect me, as I ordered the CDs... But still curious. Alright... Let's do this. Last track... Time to suck it up, fall into some part of my minded, flying through a world - guided by ae. I'm already jonesing to hear a bootleg of the upcoming live shows... =P <deep breaths>
  21. Frick'n A!!! 12 hours 20 minutes!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! That's actually a really good way of thinking about it. Thanks. Woo!!! No problem-o. =D
  22. WOOO!!! Thanks, guys! =D
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